A Quote From Linus

It's been years since I've seen this film, and there is a bit of "advice" that Linus gives to Charlie Brown, and when I saw this film as a little kid, I could only make out barely a quarter of what he was saying. Luckily, imdb has inserted the quote. First of all, let me set the scene. Charlie says to Linus: "I'm depressed, Linus. I need an encouraging word to cheer me up", to which he answers, "Happiness lies in our destiny like a cloudless sky before the storms of tomorrow destroy the dreams of yesterday and last week". When I was watching this as a 6-year-old kid, all I could make out from that entire sentence was, "sky before the storms of tomorrow", "yesterday and last week".

Now, I have a question. Again, it's been quite a while since I've seen this. Linus gives another bit of "advice", and I seem to remember CB's response as being, "Just what I need. A blanket-carrying Sherlock Holmes". If anyone could jog my memory as to what Linus had said to garner that response (which, now, to me as an adult, is humorous), thanks.


Linus explained to him the circumstances as to how he acquired Snoopy after Lila had to give him up, all the while CB passing out not being able to handle the shock of hearing it all... good grief!
