I think you think this whole thing is a comedy, but I think you really need to catch up with it, if you don't have it on tape, you can buy it here, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/102-7270397-3380120 , there are 2 different video tapes, that you can buy it on, the first one you can buy it for 8.96, the 2nd one you can only get from their marketplace, the looks of the box might look a bit different. That's because Snoppy came home in the end, but Lucy was mad when Snoppy wanted his stuff back from the gamg, whatever he left to them.
Where dis I say that this "whole thing is a comedy ? Yes, I am very familiar with the film. I first saw it on the big screen in 1972 and have seen it a few times since. I have had a video copy for 20 years. I am also familiar with the what defines the the form of both drama and comedy, having taken classes in the dramatic arts and film.
I was already 21 years old when the film was released, so I did not perceive it from the point of view of a timid little child afraid of losing his puppy. I already was quite familiar with the characters, having followed them in newspapers for over a dozen years before this film was released. Perhaps that is why we see its content differently ?
If you are just going to be like this, I am not going to talk to you anymore, in fact by the time you will be reading this message, I will have you on my list for to be ingored, I wish to never hear from you ever again, I will not be able to read them anyway, and right now I will be glad not. I don't wnat you to contact me away from these message boards for any reason, you don't want to admit that it some ways this is a drama, and you know that I am right, look at some of the reviews from this film, look at some of the other posts, there are posts from people that admited that cried during this movie, what is sounds like to me that you are admiting that you have nothing but laughed very hard during this movie.
So you start with making what you feel is a threat, and then carry it out immediately ? Wow, I sure feel intimidated by your little temper tantrum. So this is what you do when anyone disagrees with you...especially since your post about this subject over in "Family Films" was an attempt for attention ? So yo uget some attention, then think it best to use "ignore" ? One usually posts on a message board for discussion. Sometimes one learns things in this way. I doubt I can learn anything from you that I don't already know, so not discussing anything further with you is obviously no loss what-so-ever to me. Perhaps you will learn what a comedy is in the future and be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, something you are apparently unable to do at the present time.
Why would I have any desire to contact you ? It would be pointless. On the other hand I post this reply so that others can see that I have more than fullfilled my part in a conversation that you started and cannot maintain.
...you don't want to admit that it some ways this is a drama
Apparently you also have a lot of trouble reading and comprehending what you read, for I have consistently stated in my posts that in some ways the film is a drama. This film is similar to the comic strip from which it came, humor derived from the experiences of childhood (which apparently you do know more about than me). Was (or is) your childhood so sad that all you see is darkness ? I'm really sorry that everything is so grim for you, and that this film did not help to cheer you up. Actually any person that only sees sadness in this film and cannot appreciate the abundance of humor is probably clinically depressed. Seek help while there is still time. But at any rate I feel it an honor that you have me on ignore.
But the real thing Ivy taught me is you gotta live like there may not be a later.