I've noticed a picture of Gdansk (port crane) in Pilgrim's house. Does it have any meaning they didn't wrote in "Trivia" section, or is it just there?



Gdansk is a beautiful, 100% Polish town. The Germans were tricked into building it, though, because they were told it was theirs. They were actually slave labor. When they found out it was no longer Germany but a free city, they tried to destroy it so the Russians and Poles threw them out of this city once know as the Jewel of the Prussian Crown. The Solidarity movement has forever cemented Gdansk as a Polish town.

Now the poor German people have to live in a landlocked nation filled with many mountains. No huge navy for the poor, poor Germans. So sad. Now they must float their boats in their bathtubs, but, being the best toymakers of Europe (see the Nazi weapons) I know they will be very happy with the loss of what they once called Danzig. I think that Danzig is German for: Town to Pay the Pollacks for Reparations.

And Gdansk in Polish means: Ha Ha Ha Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!!!We Got Prussia!!!Next we have Berlsztyn!!!

Gdansk is a very picturesque little town reminiscent of the Netherlands so it was probably painted quite often. Kaliningrad was once a lovely Lithuanian town, but it must soon goto the Americans because we have run out of room and need to build McDonalds or we become frustrated and start blowing up Middle Eastern countries.

By the way: Only Germans Smoking Crack in lady's underwear like Slaughterhouse-Five and Kurt Vonnegut.



Just having fun with you Ingo.

There is no artist with the last name "Gdansk". I checked on the internet.



Danzig is no more. It has ceased to be.

But you may like Gdansk.

I know you Ingo, you are waging war between the lines of what you say. The tanks are rolling across the border in your mind's eye. You want to invade Poland again for old German landscapes!!!And the Silesian Coal Mines!!!And you want Polish Pottery to be called Bunzlauer again!!!

You are an evil, maniacal war-monger, aren't you!!!

Forsooth and shame! Fie on you, rabid dog!!!



I used to go Danzig when I was a teenybopper in the 80's at the discoteques. Now I am too old and just hearing the word "Danzig" makes me sweat and get a headache from the drums in my head.

What a silly name for a town anyway?

When I lived in Milwaukee, I used to work with a guy named Kurt Danziger. I assume that name means he came from Danzig. He did not like to danz.

Gdansk is a lovely name. It is my favorite brand of the Egg Liquer, Advocaat.

Did you ever put Advocaat on ice cream? Hmmm, scrumptious.

I think we need it to stay Gdansk so we remember the Advocaat.

When I say "Danzig", all I see is fat Kurt Danziger sweating to disco music and I get a headache.


jesus man, you really are bent, My parents are Polish although I live and work in China, but reading your maniacal drug induced crap makes me cringe of my Polish ancestry.

You Kurva moron


You aren't Polish. Poles hate Communism. If you are in China, you must be Communist, or Communist friendly, therefore, you must be a...

(To be Continued)


Sponiatowski smokes entirely too much crack


If you have read slaughterhouse 5, you can understand why Sponiatowski talks the way he does.

Its called interpretation innit ? !!


Spony, when was the last time you looked at a map? Germany (reunited) is hardly a "land-locked" nation. If you are still worried about Germany having 'designs' on its former lands, annexed by Poland, you have good reason to be. There are some
800,000 Germans still living in Opole Province who want it to be a 'German' province. I see this and a 'returned' East Prussia as being real threats to Poland in the 21st century. HJ



I think, first of all we should buy Königsberg back.

Ingo, I think this will either stay Russian or that the U.S. will buy it from Russia to keep an eye on the evil Europeans and force it's way and influence into the EU. Sounds like a good plan to me. Cheaper than putting Missile Defense in Poland or the Czech Republic I bet.

Also, please tell Angela to keep her sweaty paws off our handsome President Bush. Everytime I look in the media, there she is kissing him!!! These are supposed to be World Leaders and they swap spit and stick tongues down each other's throat while eating spannferkel (spunferkel? spahnferkel help me here, I know what it is and how to say it but I don't know the spelling...PIG ROAST). This is not appropriate behavior!

Angela must stop this sexy nonsense because it is turning my stomache and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth...and these terrible pictures are all over the place! I'm sure it is Angela's fault because she knows that Bush has the big missile and it is she that is encouraging this public display of informality and sexiness. It is gross and disgusting!!!

The German people must protest.

When Angela and G W (dubya) Bush were together in Germany, the crowds should have shouted:

"Hey! You Two!!! Get a room!!!Without a view"
"Hey! You Two!!! Get a room!!!Without a view"

Too much kissing and smooching!!!It would be more interesting to see Putin and Bush kissing. This may have been more interesting. But Angela and G W, hell no!



800,000 Germans still living in Opole Province

What are these creatures still doing in Poland!?! Stalin had all the Volk-Duetsche bannished into the German lands!?! I must drop everything and write Poland to have these people evicted, their belongings put into wheelbarrows and forcibly removed from these lands.

And the Two Potatoes ruling Poland at this moment would be glad to do it!



Actually Danzig was one of the main reason why Germany attaced Poland in 1939, because after ww1 the League of Nations made german Preussia into a part of Poland and a very cold front arised between the original german population of Danzig and the poles. The germans were treated very badly, you can compare it to Apartheid and Nazi Germanys treatment of jews.
To me DANZIG will always be a german town. You can look at former Preussia and Danzig and compare it to the rest of Poland, and you see that its not the same.

Sponiatowski seems to be of the true polish kind, he actually thinks he is better than others, I must say that nationalism coming from such people like the thievious, fraudulent dirty poles is the most ridiculous thing i know:-).
I live in Norway and because of our high standard of living we have been invaded by poles. They come here to pick strawberrys for a few kroners(perhaps equalient to a whole years salary in Poland) every summer, and when they do they live in their tiny old cars and leave their excrements in the parking lots, also polish lumbers come to work for norwegian constructors, and they work for so low payment that they take work form our own, much better norwegian workers. They dont learn our language, they apparently do not take showers and they are not polite. Of course I do not recon this goes for all poles but for most of those I have seen
I hope Germany get their land back btw


They sound like typical migrant workers to me. The United Nations has only seen fit to authorize the German people as fit for expulsion. The good news is, I think these migrant workers will leave once they're paid.

By the way, how do you know that these "Poles" aren't from Opole?

And more importantly, do you honestly believe that Germany will ever be allowed to get these territiories back?


Typical migrant workers I must say indeed.. Not even people from the 3d world leave their excrements around parkinglots.
I know they are from poland because they work for nothing and they never take showers
I do not believe they will get their land back with the current political landscape but things might change, note though that I wrote hope:-)


I think they should paint it blue then grow some tomatoes. As long as they have enough kebab meet left it would work fine.


i totaly agree


I do not care what anyone says about Gdansk, I believe that Sopot is being put to very good uses by the Poles.

This area would have been a health spa for fat German women, but look what the pollocks have done with it. I think Sopot should always be Polish.

View the link below:



You are stupid. Most of the negative things I have said about the poles here, you have just confirmed. You do not learn to speak other languages, they like to "burn down " houses, they "kick peoples ass". I would rather have drunken englishmen in the streets than poles because they are more pleasant to be around, they are not a violent people in general, and they just function much better in a western society than smelly poles. You say that you are well educated, yet you come to Norway to work for 1/4 pay of what norwegians do, and that is also why they are wanted by employers from MY country.
Most of the poles come here to work for no money and live in tiny *beep* old cars and leave their feesies in parkinglots wich is pathetic, disgusting and repulsive, though it is better than the rest of the poles and other eastern europeans wich travel the country in gangs, systematicly stealing things like TVs and expensive merchandise from warehouses.
I can also remeber a group of poles who gang raped a helpless 15 year old norwegian girl some years ago. Norwegians would never do anything like that, only dirty low life (not all poles of course, that is not what I am stating)

It might be true what you say about other eastern europeans bringing drugs and mafia etc, but poles have brought that too though to a smaller extent.
When polish (and british) soldiers came to fight in Norway against Germany in 1940, both our Primeminister and Minister of defense wanted to ship them back because they were more of a negative element than positive, you could not fight, and all you did was steal and make trouble.


kas...the world is well aware how Quisling and the Norwegians preferred the Nazies to the Pollacks (sorry Jesus-wept, I do not mind Pollack, I am used to it, I only mind dirty or dumb before it).

What is this bad influence they bring that your Prime Minister and President objected to in 1940?

And someone, please, by the way, make some comment on Virgin instead of discussing feces in parking lots.

We have public toilets and public showers in the U.S. Why isn't Norway modern!?!


It is good that you are aware of it, and I dont care if you do not acknowlege the reason for it.. Id rather have the Wermacht here than the polish army on their horses, becuase they behaved much better than what the dirty poles did, it was their leaders that were crazy. I know of how the "proud" poles talk about "the land without quisling" but I know my history and I have also seen many documentaries on how the poles treated the jews, they wanted to be better nazis than Hitler himself, also you shouldnt talk about Quisling because that is a part of history most people do not know the truth about.

Well mr Polski the Proud, we used to have public toilets and showers but they were shut down many decades ago becaus in Norway we have taken the step to secure private sanitary-facilities for everyone. Talk about modern or what..

You are pathetic and you know it, please do not bother me anymore with your pathitic and no good attempts to stay on your feet, youre lying on the ground already you poor proud pole


"...poles treated the jews...that is a part of history most people do not know the truth about."


Slaughterhouse 5 is an anti-war, anti-hate book. I would hope that very few people would read this book or see the film and then want to insult and belittle others as you guys are doing.

Chapter 1 (Mary O'Hare): "You'll pretend you were men instead of babies, and you'll be played in the movies by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne or some of those other glamerous, war-loving, dirty old men. And war will look just wonderful, so we'll have a lot more of them. And they'll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs."

Give it a rest guys. Nobody's politicians are worth a *beep* and your people aren't any better (or cleaner) than their people or my people. Virtually everyone's politicians who have a strong military want to be national heroes who punish their enemies and bring glory to themselves, so they eagerly sent their young off to die in the name of God or democrary or whatever. Nationalism, ethnic hate, and the resulting wars are initiated by alpha-male leaders and supported by the masses of beta-male sheep eager to march off to slaughter or be slaughtered for the glory of their leaders. "So it goes."

My own national leader is a war-mongering, simple-minded idiot, but he's probably not all that much better or worse than the current crop of politicians from your country or (gasp) even the German fascists of a couple of generations ago. He just has the biggest bombs, the most puffed up ego, and the smallest brain among international leaders at the moment. Shame on all of us for not being smart enough to break the cycle of hate. Read the book again because you've obviously missed the point. Time for The Adult Swim.


Do you feel that you've benefitted at all from the wars of the past?

Do you feel that you've been hurt at all by the wars of the past?

Do you think you'll benefit at all from the wars of the present?

Do you think you're being hurt at all by the wars of the present?


Here is the history:

and here is the reason why expulsions were made:

Furthermore, please read this very important quote: Some of the acts of violence perpetrated against ethnic Germans inside Czechoslovakia, which at first sight appeared to be cases of personal enmity of locals were, in fact, planned operations. There were cases of massacres committed by paramilitary groups (technically illegal but with strong ties to the ruling Communist party), where the operations were done with the prior agreement of the Red Army, and probably planned under supervision of the Communist party and/or even operatives of the Czech government. It has been suggested that the motivation for these staged acts of purportedly spontaneous violence against ethnic Germans was to provide arguments to the participants of the Potsdam conference that would support the need for expulsions. The putative line of reasoning was as follows: you can see the ethnic violence - population transfers are the humane way to put an end to it. However, in other instances, the authorities stopped on-going "genuine local" mob violence.

Sponiatowski says: insert any Eastern European ethnic group for the words "ethnic German" and all such incidents are explained.



yes it is indeed sad, perhaps and hopefully the germans will get their land back, if there were to be new anschluss' from Germanys side they would not hear any complaints from me


Still haven't learned your historical lessons, have you?

Germans have been evicted from these territories just for "being German" which has included, in the past, numerous attempts to dismember and colonize Poland.

The end result...a dismembered and "colonized" Germany and a dismembered and shifted (but better constructed) Poland at German expense.

Now see where hatred can get you!!! Leave well enough alone.
By the way, from what I've been reading, any Anschluss will have U.S. missile defense systems to deal with.

I think I would wash my hands over this one if I were you.


Article from U.S. Military Newspaper:


if it is feces in parking lots or a madam named virgin we were to talk about...let me tell you this...i would like this young virgin girls' feces in my parking lot. it is poor rubbish that you are hasting about with your electronic speaches on political territories when in fact we all know that we'd much rather speak of a hot star named virgin. my qualities of language hinder myself from knowing what she speaks about but i liked what i saw and will like it again the second time around. good day sirs.

bleepety bleep bleep bleep - amen


I too am transfixed by Doda and her group Virgin and wish I could see more of her.

She has often said that she needs East Prussia and Germany's old territories in which to dance. I am afraid that she will stop dancing and performing without these territories.

The world needs Doda to dance more than Germany needs their old territories!!!

Here are some more Virgin and Doda video links. Enjoy, but remember about the territories, Doda needs them in her homeland!!!:


People, you have any idea what are you talking about? Kas-26, how can you be serious writing about 'only dirty low life' when visiting page of Kurt Vonnegut adaptation - a great and outstanding writer who fight with all his might (which undoubtedly you can call his work) against hatred, xenophobia, human stupidity which often leads to situations like this. Do you sympathize with the Nazi's ideology? Perhaps you can recall them saying something about better and worse races or purebred Aryan? Don't you feel you sound a lot like that? Treating people like 'only dirty low life' just because you've met few immigrants and you just can't believe that this specific nation does not consist in whole of people of this kind. And you call us, Poles, nationalists? What you're saying is that we are something worse, because you've just read the paper or just heard that here, in Poland, nationalism is more like general. If you want to think so, why not, you choice, but why spread this 'truth' of yours around and along with it hatred between our countries?

'Sponiatowski seems to be of the true polish kind, he actually thinks he is better than others, I must say that nationalism coming from such people like the thievious, fraudulent dirty poles is the most ridiculous thing i know:-).' Well, if you believe that after this kind of remark you will be treated with respect by Poles, you've made a huge mistake. But, after all, you certainly don't care for 'dirty little Polish' judgement, so what am I talking about?! It was long time ago since I've met this great amount of hatred against other country in internet and I visit various massage boards, even the Polish ones which supposed to be so outrageously 'nationalistic'. Further more, I still do think people from your country are quite friendly, from what I know, and argument of one citizen of Norway who obviously thinks in stereotypes ('stincky low life Polish workers') won't change my mind. It's terrifing news for me, that there are still folks out there who think this way not only about me, but about my whole nation. Your countrymen should be ashamed of you, I'm sure they didn't deserve that.

And I want it to be clear that I don't identify with Sponiatowski's remarks about Germans. It's truly humiliating for us, Polish people, to read something like that. We really in general do not use to spread hatred against our neighbours. It's just another evil stereotype, which is the kind of thing thich leads (somewhat unwillingly) to wars. Stop xenophopia! Could we people look at each other without conventional thinking?


Sponiatowski's remarks about Germans

Wow, I thought I toned them down alot. I'm not all that mad at them since Schroeder's been gone.

By the way, Lady Snape, I keep getting reports that in places like Scotland, Ireland, etc. there are a lot of gang beatings, rapes, murders etc. of Polish Immigrants.

It takes much more than a slogan like "fight xenophobia" to stop this trend. Poland was invited into the EU and the end result is only to hate Poles in other EU countries. I think a strong U.S. prescence in Europe is required outside the normal areas.


By the way, Lady Snape, I keep getting reports that in places like Scotland, Ireland, etc. there are a lot of gang beatings, rapes, murders etc. of Polish Immigrants.

Oh, so you haven't heard about POLISH STUDENT (not 'poor Polish worker') in Scotland who has been murdered by the UK citizen? I don't wan't to start this nonsense all over again, because judging the nation by few incidents with its citizens involved it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, whatever your next argument would be. Just for your information, obviously it's not only Polish immigrants who can do such things, if there's anyone out there who still can think this proposterous way.

And what exacly do you mean by saying that strong U.S. prescence in Europe is required outside the normal areas . I'm confused (?).

BTW, I must admit your first comments about Gdansk and all that made me think you may have something to do with Poland, and your nickname too, but now I really don't know what to think...


You are reading me wrong then.

"Of" Polish immigrants means that the Polish Immigrants are the ones under attack. I am a Polish American, my family came from Poznan back when it was Prussia. I live in Chicago and only Warsaw has more Polish citizens than Chicago Illinois U.S. I have read Polish History and I came on this board to complain about the German people even after the war, even in the U.S.

I am not anti-Polish. Take time to read my letters. You are misunderstanding my English.


In that case, I hope you criticize German actions during the WWII, otherwise I can see no point in attacks against Germans in general. I believe some people might have misunderstood you on that point, when they were saying about 'the usual Polish racism'. For those people are these words: why not look at themself first before casting such an unjust accusation?


I can see no point in attacks against Germans in general

I'm sorry, but we are each entitled to our own sense of humor in a free country.

By the way, can you tell me anything about Virgin and Doda?


We've got very different sense of humor then.

As for Doda, I can tell you nothing on that point, as I've never been very interested in her career... Do you blame me?


As for Doda, I can tell you nothing on that point, as I've never been very interested in her career... Do you blame me?

In a free country, there is no accounting for tastes.
