MovieChat Forums > Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) Discussion > First film to deal with the Dresden bomb...

First film to deal with the Dresden bombings

This has to be the first film to deal with the barbaric and uncalled for bombings of Dresden.



Finally someone that agrees with me in this group. See My Reaction On Seeing
Slaughterhouse Five.


Rafoster68, your calling me names is not really conducive, and no I'm no Nazi apologist. Like it or not, numerous war crimes were commited by the Allies either intentionally (as was the case in Dresden) or because of "friendly fire" (as was the case in the bombing of Piraeus and Chios, in Nazi occupied Greece). The bombing of Nurenberg was also a hideous, barbaric war crime, but not in the same magnitude as Dresden. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, are an entirely different story, but then again, Rafoster68 you know that...





Rafoster68, it's a pitty that humor can be so grossly misinterpreted and, by the way, the IMDB took notice of your complain (tattletale) and my message was deleted. Now, where do we stand? Were the Dresden bombings, along with the other Allied war crimes, a conspiracy of ...(fill in the blank) or what? Oh yeah, I suppose that Vonegut has now become, in your eyes, a Nazi sympathizer along with David Irving, and the whole affair an organized cosnpiracy. Read some History, sir, and then confront me with *facts* otherwise quit your pathetic whining.



I don't find racism amusing, either, old boy, but how about confronting the fact that, Lord behold, the incident in question was for the first time brought forth in film format in "Slaughterhouse 5" which, was my first (innocent) comment, before the
ensuing, ridiculous broohaha. The only other films that I recall on how brutally the Japanese were treated were "Bad Day at Black Rock" and recently "Snow over the Cedar trees" (or something like that), but nothing on Germany. Maybe the "Summer of my German soldier" touched on the issue, but the first film to actually deal with bombing of Dresden was "Slaughterhouse 5" , and this is not a statement of opinion but one of fact. Tattletale.


Wow you guys are pathetic...

People kill innocent people, no matter where in the world it occurs its still tragic.

If that 'Love God And Are 100% Proud Signature' makes you sick, make THIS your signature!
