Your argument has a fundamental flaw, you see the communists controlled half of Germany and they DID NOT destroy their part of Germany and the population. Stalin Like many other leaders from the time used Nazi scientists and high ranking officers for various military, intelligence and scientific projects. You would also do well by remembering that stalin and hitler had a peace deal for some time and it was Hitler not Stalin who broke it. There were approximately 1.5 million members of the SS at it's height not all of them war criminals, do not mistake this as some form of apology for their actions, it is not. As a jew I have an inate sensibility towards the crimes commited in the shoah, I believe that there are many war criminals that did escape justice who when caught today should recive some sort of punishment. The idea of wiping out an entire people based upon your personal beliefs is abhorrent in the extreme and is a reflection of your childish reasoning. The fact that your ability to spell is somewhat haphazard says quite a lot about your mental (if not actual) age. I suggest you read some more books and watch some more films on the subject before making rather ridiculous statements. On the main topic of this thread in regards to the recruitment of allied soldiers into military service for the nazis, is quite true. There was the British free corps (SS unit), there were Danish, French, Azerbijani, Armenian, Flemish, Norwegian, Finnish and Dutch Freiwilligen volunteers (all of which served in SS units), there were also greek,estonian,ukranian,romanian,russian,bosnian,latvian,bulgarian,lithuanian, Indian,French, spanish and many,many more. There was The American Free Corps or George Washington Brigade as it was also known was a tiny 5 man unit of the SS used solely for propaganda purposes.