help! i need advice from the vonnegut fans!
hi. i enjoy a pretty broad spectrum when it comes to any kind of media. pending from trier/park/haneke/palahniuk/lynch over light entertainment (definitively maybe/ airplane) to cat c movies (ittenbach/guinea pig series).
now, i have read only good about vonnegut and i know that at least one of my idols adores his stuff. motivated by all that i rented it on DVD. it was an agonizing experience. i rarely switch off a movie and even more rarely i later decide to start watching again, starting from that point on. in this case i restarted the whole thing five times until i finally threw in the towell. i think i made it like 45 to 60 minutes into he movie. actually i don't want to give such a devastating judgement and dear lord i really tried to like it, but i can not help it, i hated every single character in the movie from about three to five minutes into their first appearance. if it wasn't such a brand name like vonnegut, then i would simply shrugg it off as a bad movie, but i am genuinly surprised.
can anyone out of the vonnegut crowd gimme any help with this?
- if i utterly hated this one, what other vonnegut movie/book would have the best chances with me?
- was i supposed to hate all the characters? was that the main point? i mean, if you take haneke's movies in comparison for example, sometimes he uses his characters to produce a long feeling of despise towards those characters in the viewer for a long period of time, for example in funny games, benny's video and white ribbon. is that the case here as well? does vonnegut want to produce an alienation of the viewer from all the characters to use as a tool later in the script?
- did anybody that loved the book just hate the living christ out of the movie? i mean, if i hated the movie, would the book even stand a chance?
thank for very much for your help.
"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh