Why did the son trash the cemetery?
See subject for my question.
As I recall he was just a kid acting up. Probably against his bourgeois, upper middle class parents. IIRC, he becomes a Green Beret or something.
How do the angels get to sleep when the Devil leaves his porch light on?
I'm trying to do the math on the time his son trashed out the cemetery, probably 1965-1966. The latest the movie is set is in the late winter/early spring 1968 when he's typing a letter at his house. And his son is like 19 years old and a Sergeant First Class/E7 in the Army. Come on! Corporal/E4 at the highest at that age.
Yeah, he was just having fun, but come on, anybody living with a dorky, passive dolt of a father and screeching, fatass mother would probably end up that way too!
Thank you for the responses.
What got me about that scene was the copper asking if the kid had issues with Catholics, and Billy Pilgrim saying no, we have Catholic friends. That stuck out to me. I have to wonder why that line was included if it doesn't really have any significance in explaining what the kid did, or any relation to anything else in the movie/book.
Maybe it was a Catholic cemetary, and they were trying to see if it was a hate crime.
shareHe was a punk.
Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.