Pay phone #

Did anyone else notice that when Bronson dials the rotary pay phone it actually displays a "real" phone number. I believe it is: 213-464-9517. Usually movies only display a "XXX-555-XXXX" number.


I actually called it when I saw the movie in the late 1980's and it was a real payphone. I should have asked for the address.


In the 70s ...a 213 area code and 464 prefix would have been somewhere in Hollywood CA....I've lived in Hollywood forever, maybe if I freeze that scene I can make out from the background where the scene was filmed.


Well, I looked at this scene and used freeze and zoom...its hard to tell. Probably shot along Hollywood Blvd,Sunset Blvd or perhaps VIne Street or Western Ave.

I thought some of the advertisments in the background are funny...the Winston Menthol cigarette one and the ad for property in Antelope Valley..this film had some great Los Angeles CA locations.


Are you able to identify the street/cross street that the opening sequence takes place? Obviously someplace near downtown LA and likely around the skid row area.


The opening sequence takes place in downtown Los Angeles in the skid row area at the intersection of 3rd and Wall Street. These buildings are mostly all gone now and this area has been re-developed, although it remains as a less desireable part of town.

There has been a huge effort to make downtown Los Angeles a place where people will want to live. There have been new condominium and loft/work space propertes developed for sale...some are even old buildings that have been refurbished. There have alos been a slew of new Hotels and event centers that have been built. It remains to be seen and will take years in this present economy to see if this effort is a sucess to make the downtown area of Los Angeles a place where people want to live and work.

This is one reason I enjoy older films like "The Mechanic" that were filmed in and around Los along with their story lines, they are now also a documentary of what Los Angeles CA looked like in the last millenium.


The opening sequence takes place in downtown Los Angeles in the skid row area at the intersection of 3rd and Wall Street. These buildings are mostly all gone now and this area has been re-developed, although it remains as a less desireable part of town.

This is one reason I enjoy older films like "The Mechanic" that were filmed in and around Los along with their story lines, they are now also a documentary of what Los Angeles CA looked like in the last millenium.

Thanks, I was looking for this information. The neighborhood and distant background from the movie are long gone. I've never seen a hotel where the residents have to go behind a desk to get to their room. Or maybe those were the service stairs that Aurthur took to get up to the first target's room?

Old movies set in New York, London or Paris seem to be the only cities where you can find the same buildings or locations still standing on Google Maps. Sometimes around San Francisco too.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
