MovieChat Forums > Ludwig (1973) Discussion > Something I don't get it!

Something I don't get it!

Ok, I know the article is going to be off-topic, but it's regarding Rudolf's daughter. Why couldn't she succeed the throne?

"Did you think that I would harm her?"-The Phantom


If you mean the Austrian Throne, it is because the laws of Austria did not allow females or their male descendants to inherit the throne.

However, Rudolph's daughter and her Windischgratz descendants can claim every throne which her ancestor's inherited claims to by marriage but did not rule over and thus were not bound by habsburg dynastic laws.

Thus Rudoiph's daughter was the rightful heir to the deposed king Christian II of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, whose eldest daughter married the Duke of Lorraine centuries earlier. And she was the rightful heir by genealogy if not by politics of the Jagiellon dynasty of Poland, thorough the marriage of a Polish princess to the Elector of Brandenburg and down through several more female links to the wife of Emperor Charles VI. And so on and so on for a number of kingdoms duchies, and realms which I have not yet totaled up.

But Rudolph's daughter has no the right to any kingdoms and realms which the Austrian Habsburg's inherited claims to through any wives up to the time of the wife of Emperor Leopold I who died in 1705. Emperor Charles VI who died in 1740 and was the ancestor of Franz Josef, Rudolph, and Rudolph's daughter was the younger son of Emperor Leopold I.

Leopold's elder son Joseph I, who died in 1711, was the rightful heir to all the realms which the habsburgs inherited through female lines before then (except for the ones which the house laws of the habsburgs passed on to his younger brother Charles VI as the next male heir). Joseph had two daughters. The younger one married the Elector of Bavaria (briefly Emperor Charles VII) and the elder daughter married the Elector of Saxony. Their son married his first cousin the daughter and eventual heiress of the Bavarian Charles VII (but Bavaria was inherited by his distant male cousin the Elector of the Palatinate).

So the current claimant to the Saxon throne is the rightful genealogical heir to all the realms which the Habsburgs inherited claims to but did not actually rule when Joseph I died in 1711, and this heritage will soon pass by marriage into the Lebanese princely family of Afif.

When Rudolph died with only a daughter died Franz Josef's next heir was his nephew Franz Ferdinand, assassinated in 1914. Franz Ferdinand made a morganic marriage with an unequal partner and thus his children never had any right to inherit the throne. When Franz Josef died in 1916 Franz Ferdinand's nephew Charles I became Emperor, was deposed in 1918 and died in 1922. His son was Dr. Otto Habsburg (1912-2011) and Otto's son Archduke Johann is the current heir to the Austrian Empire, the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia, of Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slovenia, of Galicia and Lodemeria, of Lombardy-Venetia, etc.

But the laws against unequal marriages did not exist in the Middle Ages, Thus the descendants of Franz Ferdinand, the Duke of Hohenburg, is the rightful heir to the medieval dukes of Lorraine before about 1400 AD, while Archduke John is the rightful heir to the modern dukes of Lorraine after about 1500.

So Emperor Leopold I who died in 1705 about 307 years ago has four possible heirs:

1) The head of the house of Wettin by primogeniture including females, soon to pass to the house of Afif.

2) The Prince of Windeschgratz by primogeniture including females of every claim inherited through female lines after the time of Leopold I and before the time of crown Prince Rudolph including claims to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland-Lithuania and maybe others.

3) The Duke of Hohenburg is the rightful heir of the Medieval dukes of Lorraine according to Medieval laws.

4) Archduke Johann is the rightful heir of the Austrian Empire, etc., etc., etc., according to the dynastic laws and the laws of those kingdoms.

4) Archduke Johann is the righful heir of the Austrian Empire, etc.
