Sadie raping mari
1972 was a different time. Many cuts were done to films that were too graphic, so the audience is left with implications to ponder. One is when u see it widescreen, the scene where mari is crying and wesel is watching with this psychotic perverted gleam in his eyes, mari is crying and phyllis leans down to whisper her to run after they chase her. Well, did you notice sadie's head was moving up and down down there for about 2 seconds it shows this, and you can see mari's bare arm and see she is still naked. sadie was giving her oral sex. cuz when phyllis runs, sadie's head pops up fromk down there. this scene was cut. also, mari is dressed again after they chase phyllis and mari tries to plead with junior to run with her. The disemboweled scene was also cut. there were several scenes that were cut but you have to look really hard if you want to see what is happening.