The phone

The phone is mentioned throughout the film, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to the plot.

1 Right at the start, the Collingwoods are discussing their broken phone.
2 Later on, we find out that it's fixed when they ring the police.
3 The bad guys cut the phone line when they arrive. I don't understand why they do this, since this is before they find out that Mari lived there. Mr. Collingwood then says that the phone is broken anyway.

What was the need for all this?



Ok, you're right. That does make more sense. Although Mr. Collingwood says straightaway afterwards that the phone's not working, so it's gone broken, working, broken in the course of the film without any real bearing on the plot.


Also, they say that the phone is broken when the police come to their house, but then how did they manage to contact the police and get them to come up to them so quickly? They don't even have any neighbours who they can borrow a phone from.


but then how did they manage to contact the police and get them to come up to them so quickly?

The police had been to the house earlier when the parents reported Mari missing. Of course their phone was working then. The police saw the murderers' disabled car on their way out but decided not to investigate.

Later, the cops heard a bulletin about the murderers with a description of the car they'd seen earlier. They matched Mari's disappearance with the possible presence of the murderers nearby.


The phone business was there, I think, to explain why the Collingwoods didn't simply call for a mechanic when the gang arrived at the door.


What really happened was that earlier the two cops saw the car that had broken down near the home of the Collingwoods. One cop suggested that they look to see who were in trouble but his superior said that other things (like looking for Mari) were more urgent. They had the number of the car and later they learned from a Police photo that it was supposed to be the villains' getaway car. So the cops wanted to inform the Collingwoods, but they could not because the phone had broken down. So they decided to drive to the Collingwoods' home to inform them, but were delayed - the police car stalled and the black lady in the chicken truck refused to take them. So they walked all the way there, just in time to see the father using the chainsaw on Krug.


It adds a feeling of claustrophobia I think, you are the only house around for how long a distance? And you have these dangerous criminals in your house and you can't call for help.


lol - you're wrong on a couple of points. They recognize the car from its description, not from any 'number'. The shot of the car specifically has no plates. Also, they aren't going there to warn people - they're going to investigate and possibly apprehend the suspects who's vehicle description matches the one broadcast.

Regardless of the reason for the phone being out as a device, it doesn't really work, because first it's not working, then they use it and say thank goodness it's working again, and then again it isn't working. What the hell?

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


The phone business was there, I think, to explain why the Collingwoods didn't simply call for a mechanic when the gang arrived at the door.

The nearest mechanic was already closed when the murderers stopped by. Their daughter Mari had taken their only car so the Collingswoods allowed them to stay till morning.
