Berg Katse (SPOILER)
Well, we all know the plot that unfolds around Berg Katse, that he was actually twins at birth merged into one being by Leader X. As a result, he has the ability to morph back and forth between genders, seemingly becoming completely male or completely female at will. He is known as the Lord of Galactor, but also as the mysterious female commander, as well as being able to impersonate other females effortlessly.
I just find the whole idea fascinating...not due to the subject matter, per se, but rather due to the fact that they did this back in 1972! It just seems like a subject matter that would be controversial for childrens programming so long ago, though I honestly have no idea on how Japanes culture viewed such subjects back at that time. I think it obvious that this was a idea the creators had from the beginning, seeing that Berg is seen throughout the series with connections and allusions made to the link between he and the mysterious female commander...not to mention his lip gloss! I would love to know what inspired such a character to begin with, for certainly he was the most memorable villain of all three series, at least according to what I have read about Gel Sadra and Count Egobossler from the following series!
Berg was kind of ruined in the 1994 OVA Gatchaman in my opinion. Seeing that there wasn't time to develope his or anyone elses character, they felt the need to address this plot point simply by making Berg overly feminine. If that is all they could do, I think this plot point should have been dropped completely. As presented, it comes across as a distraction and adds nothing to the story. The dubb makes this evern worse, voicing Berg with a low, effeminiately sultry voice. At least the original Japanese voice didn't do that.
As a child watching Battle Of The Planets, I was always bothered by the episode about the abominable snowman where Zoltar (Berg Katse) gets his mask ripped away and it is revealed that he has long flowing blond hair. It was even speculated that he was really a girl! My all time favorite bad guy couln't be a girl!!!! Of course, this was never elaborated on or addressed further, for such ideas were deemed inappropriate here in America back then. It just left me confused. I was even more confused by the version of him presented in the OVA, but then I finally researched and discovered the true Gatchaman history and everything finally made sense. From that point on, Berg became a far greater villain in my eyes, one with a unique and interesting backstory!
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OK, so what's the speed of dark?