Is this on tv in December 2013?

I am trying to find The House Without A Christmas Tree on tv in December 2013. I can't find it yet, and I don't know what channel(s) own the rights to air it. Please let me know if you find information, thanks! :-)

When was the last time you saw this on tv and what channel? I never saw it on tv before.


My local library system has both DVD and VHS copies available. Have you checked yours?

Excuse me for talking while you're interrupting.


Hasn't been on in years. It's actually on YouTube separated into several parts but it's complete.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


I haven't checked a library for it. I watched it on Youtube. I will buy the dvd very soon, maybe today.

What are some other great Christmas films to watch please?


I have it on DVD, and it is really great little family film. has it.
The Divine Genealogy Goddess


Try Santa Clause Conquers The Martians.
