Discrepancies in the Opening Narration
The narrator said that Clear River, Nebraska was "surrounded by cattle, and cornfields, and open sky". I didn't see any of that here. In fact, it looked more like the northeastern North American continent to me, than midwestern. (yes I know it was produced in the Toronto area, but if they were going to tape in Canada for budgetary reasons, why couldn't they had gone to Manitoba or Saskatchewan for some open-sky realism?)
"Most of the streets were unpaved".....well if they were, I didn't see any.
"Every day, the Union Pacific streamliners roared through, but they never stopped in Clear River"....now THAT'S quite a puzzler. This town, small as it is, looks too prosperous not to be served by trains....
But no matter, "The House Without A Christmas Tree" is still a tradition at my house...including this Christmas! Merry Christmas!