Taping location

Although the story is set in Nebraska, I saw a remark on Wikipedia that the taping location for the movie was in Canada's Uxbridge, Ontario. Can anybody verify this?


It is mentioned on the Addie Mills site and Lisa Lucas refers to Canada in her post on the Amazon site:


http://www.amazon.com/House-Without-Christmas-Tree/dp/B000SQFC3Q/ref=s r_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1260724939&sr=1-1

I don't think I want to go to the pictures. Oh?Why not? I've seen everything worth seeing.


I do know it was filmed in Ontario as I was on that set for a few days. One of the child actors, Brady McNamara, was a good friend of mine and I was invited to watch some of the filming. I cannot remember which exact town it was filmed in as I was only 12 at the time.


The Mills house was located at the corner of Peel and Victoria in Uxbridge, Ontario..The school was right across the street..Both are still standing as of 2015..The 2nd film "Thanksgiving Treasure" was also filmed here...
