I bought the new DVD of this movie and was struck by one particular scene.
There was an episode in this movie that I found disconcerting to say the least. Usually I try to be politically incorerect, but I found the teacher's handling of the extra Christmas tree to be quite offensive.
Remember she asks the class who doesn't have a Christmas tree at home. This of course the exposes the two girls who raise their hands as too poor or even un-American. What American family doesn't have a Christmas tree ? She then plays a silly game whereby the heroine Addy wins the tree, thereby leaving the other girl whose single mother is unable to afford a tree exposed-and still without a tree.
Admittedly the movie is set at a different time- 1946 small town Nebraska. But still I cringed for the child who was treated so insensitively by her teacher.
I realise this sets up a way for Addy to show her goodness by giving the other girl's family the tree. But still.
Blaine in Seattle