was Doc a flawed hero or inept loser?
I can't figure out which way they wanted him to appear, although throughout the movie I kept thinking he was just stupid. Every scene started with him doing something careless, then spent the next 15 minutes having him try to fix the problems created by his mistakes--
the robbery -- why work with people he didn't know when he said he won't work with people he didn't know? Why have the explosions for such a simple job? Afterwards, why not walk over and make sure Rudy is dead?
the train station -- why leave Ali McGraw alone with the money right after you find out she was planning on killing you?
on the run -- why not lay low or at least try a disguise?
at the hotel -- why just toss the gun away, and later why not kill Rudy when he had no qualms about shooting at all the police chasing him?
There were many more, but were each of these "oversights" by a flawed hero or just dumb mistakes to drive the plot?