I'm watching the Steve McQueen bio on the "Bullitt" 2-disc set and it says that he was really hitting her full force. It wasn't in the script ... McQueen and Peckinpah discussed the notion before they shot it and he just whaled on her. So ... her reaction is real because she's really getting the crap slapped out of her.
You can hit someone & have it appear full-force, depending on getting the right camera angle, and it's not entirely as endangering as it looks. I find it
veeeerrrry hard to believe that he whacked her as hard as he could. McQueen going full-force on McGraw, even with an open hand, could have resulted in a broken jaw, broken nose, shattered eye orbits, smashed cheekbones, concussion, loose/lost teeth...any one or combination of those outcomes. Does anyone truly believe the movie production company would EVER allow McGraw to walk off set that day so that she'd return the next day potentially with
black eyes &/or a fat/split lip for when they resumed shooting?! HELL NO. That's absurd! Nevermind the issues with the insurance company! You have someone who's a former model who makes a living (basically) on her looks, and the production co. & insurance co. is ok with McQueen not holding back? Not in a million years!
It also seems (as you explain it, I have not watched the Bullitt interview myself) as if McQueen & Peckinpah discussed the notion beforehand, but they left Ali out of the discussion?! Is that what you're saying, that McQueen & the director came to the agreement that McQueen would "whale on her," and they don't even let her in on it?! Sorry, no way, I'm not buying that. If she didn't know it was coming and he suddenly hit her for real, full force, it wouldn't make such great footage if she jumped up and freaked out, would it?
Sure, I can imagine that he made actual contact, after discussing it previously with McGraw. The rest is either exaggeration or just regular ol' Hollywood bull puckies. And as for the people who said they were "disappointed" by Doc's actions, for crying out loud,
it's a movie. He's an
anti-hero; the guy was, afterall,
an ex-con.¸,«¤º°»«ëÕ|{¥(V)°º¤»,¸
I can't understand your crazy moon language.