MovieChat Forums > The Getaway (1972) Discussion > 'You still don't get the picture, do ya?...

'You still don't get the picture, do ya?'

What a great movie! McQueen has never been cooler, especially when he comes out of the sporting goods store and shoots up the cop car. Ben Johnson and Slim Pickens are also great in their supporting roles. If you need any proof that Peckinpah was the best, see this movie!



sorry, but this movie sucked so hard that my tv imploded.

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?



pbl1 wrote ' sorry, but this movie sucked so hard that my tv imploded. '

ha that IS funny
i don;t agree w/ your opinion but your way of stating the case
gave me a good lulz so t/y


What did Beynon mean by this question? Was he planning to take everything?


I thought he said it because he was sure that Carol would betray Doc and change sides.


This scene was also a bit strange.

Carol walks in holding a gun behind Doc, and Benyon sees her. She's holding it at Doc, so we the audience wonder if she and Benyon have agreed to doublecross him.

Benyon is about to spill the beans about what a good lay she was, and she shoots Benyon.

We are left to wonder if she really did side with Benyon and they had planned for her to kill Doc, but she killed Benyon before he could say so. But this is surely not plausible given how much she loves Doc.

If she & Benyon did not plan this then Benyon would surely have been wondering WTF is going on when she walks in holding a gun. But he made no gesture of surprise or alarm.

Just weird.


Yes, I wondered this as well, but I think she had indeed told Benyon she would come in and kill Doc, knowing all the while that she would kill Benyon instead. She actually wound up double-crossing Benyon, who was so p-whipped that he would believe anything she told him (and he didn't seem very bright to begin with). I find that Thompson occasionally goes for the far-fetched in terms of plausibility, but it doesn't make me love him any less. Terrific movie, a true classic.

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.
