Wife slapping
I was mildly shocked by the scene where Doc slaps his wife, and she just lets him do it without any reaction whatsoever. I read in the trivia that's because the slapping wasn't scripted and MacGraw was genuinly surprised. Still, the fact that the scene made the movie, shows how even in '72 women were quite submissive. MacGraw lets herself get slapped, doesn't react and gets back into the car. Very remarkable, because she is supposed to be a tough lady. The remake of the scene in the 1994 version is completely different. Kim Basinger slaps Baldwin back, she screams that 'she did it for him' (sleeping with the sherrif, that is) and walks away angry. In this scene, she is the strong character and Baldwin the weak person who can't restrain his violent character. I think the '94 version of this scene is much stronger.