A Question

How they could so easily cross the border to mexico? I think the Truck Driver and Doc/Carol showed their passports. But why the costumes officers let them go to Mexico? Had Carol and Doc some false Passport or did they bribed the officers with some money?


It's a movie...


It was easy in those days. Coming back in was harder.

"I can understand it, but I don't like it none!"--Cheyenne.


They got fake passports at Laughlin's in El Paso


When I was stationed at an airbase in south Texas in the '60's, a carfull of us drunken gringos could pass through the border checkpoint with no questions or paper checks at any time.


Doc asked Slim Pickins to take them across the border, and he knew a little trafficked place. It is that simple.


The costumes officers saw what they were wearing, and approved, so they got to cross over.


Doc's wife slept with the border guard just like she slept with Benyon
