Milos the shepherd from Armenia? I am insulted

Milos is not an Armenian name. That character doesn't have anything to do with Armenia. Milos is a Greek name. Woody didn't know that or he just wanted to insult Armenians?


Not sure, but quite frankly your username insults me. You people think that us Aliens from outer space shout that phrase from the heavens all the time? So stereotypical.


Naah, he needs to post twice to make it stereotypical.


Well the character did come from Armenia so how can he not have anything to do with Armenia?

Also, I have never heard of any Greeks named Milos - I have, however, heard of Czechs called that. Like Milos Forman. And Serbians. Like Milos Krasic.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


OP is insulted???

How does he think the sheep felt??


The curious thing is he is insulted by the name of the character, not the fact that it is perceived normal to do sheeps in Armenia...


Hahaha! Good point!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
