Lucy- where was she?

Why wasn't Lucy at the dinner in Charlie Brown's backyard?


i was thinking the same thing, they only showed her with the football scene in the beginning, and then that was it. hmmm?


Maybe her and Schroder were having a secret dinner together?


They wanted to do the less is more approach with Lucy, leaving you to see what she really thought of Thanksgiving by pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.


Very good point.

I never really like Lucy.


Actualy, missing from the dinner was Schroeder, Pig Pen and yes Lucy.

Since this is a holiday special, shouldn't the holiday's include everyone to share thankfullness, and not just a selected some?

They should all be there celebrating turkey day, not just some.

But I guess that would tire Snoopy out making all those dinners!

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


I guess that I always assumed they were at their own houses eating with their own families.
Remember, Peppermint-patty, Marcy, and Franklin are from the other side of town. Charley Brown didn't want anybody showing up in the first place, P.P. invited herself and her friends from her block, and Chuck didn't invite anybody but linus.
This never even occured to me, let alone seemed odd to me at all.
It seemed completely natural that most of the kids would be home with their own families.

"I love humanity, it's people I can't stand." - Linus Van Pelt


Except Lucy's brother Linus was there, wasn't he?

Maybe they didn't put Lucy there because Peppermint Patty was going to lose her rag, when normally Lucy would be doing that.


Don't you remember the beginning? She got the beatdown of a lifetime by Peter Griffin in an awesome series cross over.

Oh no! We broke Mom's favorite vase playing basketball in the house!
- Darth Vader


whereever she was...she should have stayed there.


Yeah, I wondered about that. I guess they felt she wasn't necessary for the story. You can't have everyone in every special. Woodstock isn't in the Christmas one.


The little minx would have been uncomfortable with the earthier Peppermint Patty and Marcie there; she probably spent the afternoon making whispery, anonymous phone calls to Schroeder after sipping the dregs of the wine from the
glasses of her parents' Thanksgiving dinner guests.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!


You can't have everyone in every special. Woodstock isn't in the Christmas one.

That's because Woodstock didn't exist in 1965.

A bird looking like Woodstock first appeared in 1967 while the named character of Woodstock first appeared in 1970.

"Mr.President, would you read the Constitution if it were on your teleprompter?"


Well, I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me. Actually, he got his name due to the festival of the same name.
