Voices are all different - weird

The male voice actor for Peppermint Patty didn't even try to sound feminine. Peppermint Patty sounded like Greg Brady. It's like they aren't even trying anymore. I know the voice actors aren't the same as 30 years ago, but at least PRETEND they are. All the voices last night were male it seemed. Very weird.

Take it easy. We're not making a western here.
~~Uncle Junior


Perhaps Patty was a member of one of old East Germany's famed women's Olympic teams.

PALIN in 2012, bitches!


you know this isn't a new special right? it was made in 1973 but you're talking about the voice-actor like it's current..


I thought Linus's voice was very deep compared to his usual one



The Peanuts specials have always used real children to voice the characters. That gives them an air of authenticity, but the problem is that the children age out of the roles and have to be replaced. This special was made eight years after the original Christmas special, so all of the voice actors are different (as opposed to Great Pumpkin, which was made just a couple of years after the Christmas and had most of the same actors. Linus does sound very close to the original in this special, because the actor (Stephen Shea) is the brother of the original Linus (Chris Shea) from the Christmas and Halloween specials.
