MovieChat Forums > A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973) Discussion > Peppermint Patty was a real b**** in thi...

Peppermint Patty was a real b**** in this

At least at the end she felt bad and apologized but I would've been very grateful for the "dinner" that I basically forced my friend to make, even if it was pretzel sticks, ice cream, jelly beans, buttered toast and popcorn. I would never expect my friend who's supposed to be what, 8, to prepare a last minute feast with turkey, stuffing and whatnot. Poor Charlie. If I were him I would've said please listen, I CAN'T!




Well, that was the thing. She just invited herself to the dinner and then added Marcie and Franklin and didn't hear Charlie Brown trying to explain the problem.


She is also the same way in Race for your Life Charlie Brown


That's why Marci makes about of asking that did Charlie Brown invited her to Thanksgiving, or did she invite herself and her and Franklin over as well. Which she had never thought about it before, and all Charlie Brown ever really good to say the 3 times that she called, "well I uh"


That really impressed me. Despite having never having told about how the invitation came about, Marcie was smart enough to put the pieces together and applied just the right amount of pressure to Patty. Marcie is one smart cookie, and a good friend.


She's an angry dyke, what do you expect?
