Logistical issues

I am a big Billy Wilder fan and I love Avanti!. Being a logistics man (retired), however, I have some issues with the beginning of the movie. Don’t get me wrong, I know that changing anything would have deprived us of some very funny situations.
Still, some of the early part of the story makes me scratch my head. Here are some facts as stated in the movie:
Wendell was based in Baltimore. He was the chief executive of his company, Armbruster Industries. When he received the news about his father’s death, he was out playing golf. He was somehow whisked away from the course, onto his company’s private jet, to get a connection to his flight to Italy, without even going home to change out of his golf attire into a suit or even to pack a valise for the trip, let alone to say farewell to his family.

He seems to have had no say about the date and time for the funeral of his own father – apparently decisions were made by administrative staff of his company, who ensured that he would be in a terrific hurry to go and get the body of his father back to Baltimore in time for the funeral on the coming Tuesday. For a chief executive offer, this strikes me as being just a little illogical.

I know, I know… all this was contrived to enable some comedy to be introduced into the story.

Now let’s have a look at the logistics. We don’t know where in Baltimore – or possibly even outside Baltimore – Wendell lived and we don’t know the location of the golf course – although I think we can assume that it wasn’t too far away from Baltimore, or anyway from the Baltimore Washington International Airport. Now, someone please tell me exactly how and where he could have got onto his company jet? Did it land on or next to the golf course? No, of course not – a plane that size would have had to land and take off at Martin State, Essex Skypark, or Bay Bridge. Surely he wasn’t playing golf 50 or 100 miles away from Baltimore? So why would he have needed a jet plane to transport him from the golf course to the international airport? A helicopter, similar to the one used near the end of the film, would have been a lot more practical.

Sure, it’s only a movie. But what do you think?


I agree it's crazy that he doesn't have time to change or have clothes brought to the plane, but I think in the film the Alitalia flight to Rome leaves from JFK, not BWI. So perhaps he got on the company jet at BWI, flew to JFK, and boarded the Rome flight there?
