You definitely get the feeling that Doc *knew* that Chevy (sp?) was going to take his revenge...doesn't Doc say, before the final scenes unfold, something like "save your dime, I know how it's gonna end"?
(Now, I'm not sure that Chevy could hit Mattelli in the head, from that far away, with a short-barreled handgun, without risking hitting Pope or someone else, but that's an unimportant point.)
Also, FWIW, I don't believe the dialogue is that Mattelli says he "has a gambling problem"; I believe the line is that "[it] is gambling *money*", meaning, that he is "only" taking payoffs from Johnson that come out of the Harlem syndicate's gambling take -- not from drugs, not from prostitution, etc. It's a desperate attempt to convince Pope that it's "not that bad" that's he's on the take, once Johnson says it during the meeting in the office.