Saltpeter and Abigail Adams
Whoever thought that I could ever get sentimental thinking about saltpeter.
I just love the little bits in this movie between John and Abigail but for some reason, I especially love their back and forth over the saltpeter. I don't know why but I always get misty eyed over the "Compliments" song.
Compliments of the Concord Ladies Coffee Club!
And The Sisterhood of the True Rose Synagogue!
And The Friday Evening Baptist Sewing Circle!
And the Holy Christian Sisters of St. Claire!
All for you, John! I am, as I ever was, and ever shall be
Yours! Yours! Yours! Yours!
Abigail. What's in these kegs?
Saltpeter! John!
I just love how she raises her hand in the air at the end, while hundreds of miles away, he raises his hand to "catch" hers.
She truly was an amazing person.... they were both amazing.