I believe you are correct. There are no juniper berries, but when Hawkeye makes "gin," I believe he is using the word "gin" as a synonym for bathdub gin, as someone else pointed out. Really, he's just making swill. At the same time, we never see anyone make any alcohol or ferment anything that would be distilled. They just magically end up with "gin."
Also, in Korea, there is a drink called Soju, which is a kind of cheap gin. Maybe they were making this. I think it was simply a writer's narratie on them having a still and it was easy to make "gin" rather than whiskey or some other liquor.
If it was me, I probably would have made some kind of wine from bug juice from the chow hall. If I had more than I could drink, would make that into some kind of cider or distill it into a kind of gin or whatever.
I blame autocorrect.
You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.