MASH to Scrubs
As a twentysomething I watched both series. Here the most distinctive things in common:
1. Characters
drew from Hunnicut/Hawkeye/Trapper
drew from Houlihan
Elliott&Keith Dudemeister drew from Houlihan & Burns (especially when E&K opposite Cox claiming the terrorists wanna kill americans thus they support the war in iraq)
drew from Potter
(Playing the guitar vs painting. Sure Potter was more likeable. But while MASH is set in a warzone, Scrubs is set in contemporary peacetime US. So Kelsos tiny sentiments can be regarded as likeable traits. Making him a rounder leader/character I guess)
drew from Burns and Blake
(Maybe only from Blake in the goofy ways)
drew from Trapper (womanizing, machoism)
drew from Houlihan & all the Nurses
tricky. I d say also Houlihan. Basically Mash had only Houlihan as a female lead. The rest were more or less faceless shapeless characters with interchangable names like "Cutler"/"Able" etc.
If Cox is Hawkeye than Jordan could be Carly(Blythe Danner)
Ted drew a bit from Klinger maybe due to the Position he occupied. (Company Klerk/Lawyer - in thia sense Scrubs is more cynical. As the lawyer is clearly overworked singing psycho who cannot cope with either the angry customer/patient side nor the C.O./ Chief of Medecine) Also both Ted and Klinger obsess about "getting out" (Ted struggles constantly with his chuzpe to commit suicide)
Todd & Doug
Maybe they drew from Igor(Doug) and Rizzo(Todd).
Radar(in another post on thia board i mentioned reasons why it seems impossible to have him on a contemporary show)
- maybe you guys have ideas to match them w scrubs ppl?
2. Storyline paralells
*Dreams/ Imagination/Metaphors as tools to cope with death*
Episode Dreams (M) vs. Constant Daydreaming (JD in S)
*The new Surgeon who cannot cope with pressure and death*
Edward Herrmann episode (M) vs. One episode from scrubs in which JD tells a promising new doctor that he prolly won't make it.
While MASH is more about anarchy&pacifism, Scrubs is more about tragiccomedy elements/popculture references/ music of the 80s a.s.o. (they needed to connect with millennials who
haven t experienced war)
Still the frame is a hospital. Place where ppl die and give birth. Philosophical thoughts, cynicism, alcoholism, mental problems, broken hearts & affairs. Clearly the team of scrubs took elements from Mash.
I ll keep posting when i detect more ! ;)