MovieChat Forums > M*A*S*H (1972) Discussion > Things I hate about Mash:

Things I hate about Mash:


* Klinger and his act. Be a man for the love of Mike...

* Sydney acting like some Messianic figure, pompous prick that he was

* Hawkeye and BJ always praising Sydney like he was some Messianic figure, that pompous prick...

* BJ's mustache

* How fat Charles got year after year

* How Frank was disrespected

* How racist Hawkeye was (Spearchucker, are you kidding me??)

* How pompous and self-righteous Hawkeye was

Feel free to add on...

"You can just stand there and let him kick your ass!" Karate Kid III


I didn't care for Radar's character.

"Respect my authority!"-Eric Cartman


The peacenik concept of "what if they held a war and no one turned up?" that just means that North Korea would have run right over South Korea and we can see how great North Korea is now days.

It is just so naive, ask anyone who has ever been bullied if the bully stops punching you if you ignore them.

So yes, Hawkeye's preaching. Hawkeye's hypocrisy - he's racist towards Koreans, a sexist womanizer and a drunk. Also doesn't care about North Korean atrocities because it's safer to attack his own side.

How much of a shadow BJ was, I know he was meant as a side kick but he was more like Hawkeye Lite.

How old and unfit some of the soldiers that guest starred were, Norm from Cheers was in one episode, no soldier would be allowed to be that big.

How the fashions, hairstyles, mannerisms and behavior reflected the 70's rather than the 50's. Nit picking I know but it does get annoying.

Radar the Iowa farm boy who sees animals as pets rather than livestock. It's just too much.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


Solved all of my bully problems by making friends with them.


Racist? And who.wouldn't be a womaniser in his sjped


Critical bunch!
Margaret was only annoying when she treated the enlisted personnel badly. Other than that she did suffer her part in losing love, having no friends due to her demanding character and getting rejected by hawkeye - so, i don t dislike the screaming so much.
Charles: he was a cool character. Good reflection of a surpressed sexuality (the episode in which hawks dad is in surgery - hawk tries calling him from korea and charles recalls memories of his 'father' who was not a 'dad' - how 'the sight of lettuce makes him talk faster' /// his constant empathy for the autistic or secluded souls he meets in his patients. Charles only bothered me in the episode when he falls in love with this weird cliché french girl. She was a boring person who tried pretty hard to seem sexy and exciting and charles tried too hard to be conservative royalty. Its like reading about the british royals battling the late Lady Diana. So overdramatic.
Radar: an impressive character. I liked his naivety. Maybe an indirect way of shielding himself from the cruelties. Gary Burghoffs disfigured hand that he always hides whilst performing as radar must have led to this kind of character trait. The constant insecurity because of his appearance. He reminds me of Quasimodo the hunchback of notre dame. I liked the episode when hawk got drunk and radar being angry at him gets wounded and screamed at by hawk. Funny scene when everyone barges into the swamp to yell at hawkeye. Really good episode. Also shows hawks own limits when questioned about his heroism.
Amazingly a character like radar seems impossible in a show today. Ppl mite reject him cuz he seems too sentimental or borderline retarded...tho its a good depiction of a kind countryboy.
Sidney. Boy all this hate here. Maybe alan arbus got more freedom to co-create his character. He s not a messiah at all imo. I always thought they consulted him whenever they could not operate on some bodyparts. For me he really just is sth like a medicine man. Look its a troop of surgeons from the west in a buddhistic surrounding working as mechanics more or less. They needed a counterpart on their treatment methods to enlarge the whole drama of war/life. Sidneys episodes were written with quite an amount of pathos. But they might have done it because psychology itself has always had enemies. Ppl tend to see it as headshrinking idiocy quack. So by lifting up the symbols in Sidney episodes the whole atmosphere got more "enigmatic"- thus creating this aura around the analyzer. I really think he s written as a counterpart to the surgeons. The old war between J.D and Turk. (Scrubs was SO influenced by MASH btw)
Also the encounters between Sidney and Colonel Flagg are hillarious. "With your schizophrenia I d have to charge you double..."
"You r e walking fertilizer..."
"Now if you excuse me, i ve already kept jesus waiting 15 minutes"
There s enough irony about his own profession. And yes. Alan Arbus is a charismatic dude. I like Sidney.
Mustache Schmustache. Its a caterpillar on his face. He looks like a clown who cares. More importantly, his forehead is ENORMOUS. SERIOUSLY HAVE U GUYS EVER SEEN SUCH A HUGE FOREHEAD.
That does not creep you out ?!


Yeah it's more like a Five-head.


There was one thing in this brillant show which was annoying and almost made this unwatchable (At least for me) It was even more annoying than Margaret's Yelling, Radar Being too much naive and kiddy or Hawkeye being hypocrite. It was Liberal agenda, all this ,,Oh How Bad the War Is" ,,How poor those Friendly North Koreans Are'' and this that the true reason why war started was never mentioned (They Were there because of Communist Aggression and all suffering and horrors of war were caused by that) it was pretty obvious that show was praising one of the greatest murderers in history of mankind through Hawkeye's behaviour and his doucheness (It was more comfortable to be against his own side because if he had been on communist side he would have been shot immidiatelly after torture and brainwashing)


I find those things more irritating now than i did at the time, though i never cared much for BJ. the exception to your list is Klinger dressing as a woman which i always thought very funny (we tend to love that sort of thing in the UK, pantomime dames etc) When i was young and idealistic i don't think i considered hawkeye pompous, i found him admirable. now I think he's something of a pain in the neck. i tend now to wish that the series had stuck to comedy, and not kept trying to teach us things about being nicer to each other (look how great hawkeye is, he loves everyone, hates war etc). Though even when i was young i preferred the first three seasons, where those things are less in evidence.


1. Alan Alda's hammy overacting,..

2. Margaret's yelling, we found out in later episodes, it pretty much all Loretta Swit was capable of..

3. BJ..a poor replacement for trapper, in every respect,

4. The corny, alliteration-laden, pun-infested dialogue in the later seasons..


romefan123 wrote - "Sydney acting like some Messianic figure...etc". It's strange that you mention that because the actor who played that role Allan Arbus actually appeared as a messianic figure in the absurdist western GREASER'S PALACE -


Father Mulcahy kissing Maj. Whoreahan in "A War For All Seasons".


2. Margaret's yelling, we found out in later episodes, it pretty much all Loretta Swit was capable of..

Yes, and my apologies if I've brought this up before, she pretty much did the screeching banshee thing in the Blake Edwards movie "S.O.B.". She was Maj. Houlihan minus the Army uniform with a little extra makeup playing a nosy gossip columnist instead of an Army Major.


* Hawkeye's hairstyle.
Yeah, I know it was the 1970's (and that's another thing that bugs me, no attempt was made to give the show a more '50s look. What no short-back-and-sides and Brylcreem?) but the collar length hair and boring side parting didn't seem to change in 11 years.

* The default setting of "let's put Burns down".
Little attempt was made to develop the character beyond token "mean guy/whipping boy". His later equivalent, Winchester, was allowed more character development. I liked the episodes when for example, Potter ordered Beej & Hawk to cheer Frank up and so they let him in on the poker game.
Frank's annoying drunk cackle when he kept winning was a hoot!

* Ditto on:
BJ's 'tache. Prefer the clean shaven look of S. 4 and 5;... and on Margaret's screeching.

- My first post, hi people! Apologies if the text formatting doesn't work, trial & error!


I'm not the official spokesman to this board, just a semi-regular poster, but welcome to the MASH board and to IMDb. Your formatting seems fine.

The hairstyles bother me at times, at other times, myuh, not worth getting upset over them. Nothing 34 years later is going to change them or anything else about the show.

The only thing about BJ's stache that bothers me is how unmilitary looking it is. If you look at 40s and 50s actually military shots or even actors and civilians, most of them are clean cut "pencil staches." If they had longer staches they were attached to a van Dyke or full beard.

The main thing that irks me about Radar's character is that he goes from a slight sleezy slighty disreputable hustler who smokes, drinks and stands up in his skivvies in public next to a "welcome to the 4077th" to the virginal, naïve innocent waif with more pets (American breeds in Korea) than Ellie Mae Clampett.

Hawkeye's already caught enough flack so I'll pass on him.


Cheers mate, thanks for the welcome!


Right about Radar.Can understand how in a front line unit haircuts and beards would become nonregulation.


But this is not a random artillery or tank unit where having facial hair will not impact operations. These guys operated on patients and I know if I were an injured soldier I would want the most sanitary conditions possible. Don't want a porn stache on a doctor where boogers and spiders can hide. Other things such as morning exercise are to insure endurance while a doctor is at the operating table. I don't want my doctor slumping to the floor because he was exhausted from a sedentary lifestyle.


Now that I think about lice were a large problem out in the field making very short hair necessary for military personnel. Don't want them on me as a patient anymore than I would want boogers or spiders.


Frank being all army whenever he was left in command.
How Frank was promoted after being sent home.
How we never really saw anybody's family.


Father Mulcahy's death. 



I'm watching season eight right now, and I have to admit the story lines were interesting,..but the scripts were cringe inducing, in a couple of episodes like stars & stripes & bottle fatigue, everybody (not just Margaret) appeared to be yelling their lines..
