MovieChat Forums > Emergency! (1972) Discussion > Lost Equipment: What did the boys leave ...

Lost Equipment: What did the boys leave behind?

We're at the start of the series on ME TV, so let's see if we can track the losses episode by episode. I think seeing how much we tally up would be fun. Yes, I am glad to have online compatriots in lunacy.


One turnout coat (Johnny's)
A Kennedy probe
A Port-a-Power


That's a lot of equipment for one episode. And I'm sure that Kennedy probe and Port-a-power weren't cheap!


Did anyone ever figure out what a Kennedy probe was?


Near as I can figure, a Kennedy probe is basically a listening device. Apparently they thread an audio transmitter through what looks like a glorified curtain rod  and hook it up to a set of headphones. They can stick the rod through rubble to hear faint sounds of survivors, as they do in Botulism, when Roy hears the breathing/wheezing of the boy.

Putting it together.

The curtain rod and audio set-up.


I'm kind of surprised that in six seasons we only see it used once. You'd think it would be utilized more often considering some of the caved-in or blown-up buildings they deal with.


Here's a link to a mention of it in a book.

As the book states, even the technical experts for the show didn't recognize it. And a google search finds no reference at all to what it was. It sounds like something Jack Webb or someone dug up from the prop room and inserted into the show.


In Musical Mania (2.11).


They also left a flashlight. At least Cap had the presence of mind to grab the K12 and face shield before they ran out.


Wasn't there a hammer that Gage was using to break the concrete?


Yes there was, and I believe they left that too. They also left the guy's hammer, if you want to count that.

Oh, and welcome to the boards-bet you can't wait for "The Old Engine"! 


As they were leaving the collapsing house, just as Cap picked up the porta-power and walked out, there was a hatchet on the floor (or was that the hammer?). It looked rather flat, but it could have been the hammer you mention.

“Listen, don’t any panic body, just because the comesters are ganging.”
J. Grumby


Helpful: Johnny lost his helmet in the storm drains. He definitely was off his game!!


Slackers mom, thanks for the explanation and the pix!


The boys left the Jaws in the water after the victim got out of the car. I'm not even sure they brought the air hose back into the boat. (I did see something hanging over the side of the boat into the water, but it could have been an anchor-line.... maybe?)


I don't think they brought the hose back up either.


Considering Johnny didn't seem to care if the victim knew he was freed or not, I bet he didn't care about he equipment either. LOL!  I love Randy's story about being so cold he forgot his lines. Explained an uncharacteristic lack of concern on Johnny's part!


They left a whole lot of rope behind. In fact, pretty much anytime they used rope for anything, it was then abandoned afterward.



Jaws of life on Smithsonian web site -- see E! mention


The link didn't work for me.  But I googled Jaws of Life and Smithsonian and found the PDF page.

I confess to being rather skeptical of the claim of how the nickname "Jaws of Life" became widespread.
