MovieChat Forums > The Bob Newhart Show (1972) Discussion > The apartment building the Hartley's liv...

The apartment building the Hartley's lived in

just about every episode shows the outside of the building and I always wondered where it was. Sometimes you can see that it is right on the water, supposedly in Chicago. Does anyone know? I always liked their apartment:)


I'm not sure of the exact address, but the building is on Sheridan Road in Chicago, overlooking Lake Michigan.

The title sequence is all off-kilter.

Bob Newhart is seen leaving his office (which is on Michigan Ave), then boarding an elevated train (Brown Line???) which leaves the loop, then another train that enters the loop. In essence, he is traveling in circles.

Then he exits the train (in the Loop?) and walks on Sheridan Road to his apartment.

Geographically, this trip couldn't be possible. He would end up in the loop which is a few miles from his home.

The office building is actually on Michigan Avenue which is closer to his apartment building to begin with.

It would have made more sense for him to board a bus on Michigan Ave. to travel north to Sheridan Road.

But, only Chicagoans would notice this...

"What contest in Hell did I win?" Frank Barone

** John K


you must be from Chicago then because you know an awful lot about Bob's commute home from work:)


You are correct.

Thank you.

"What contest in Hell did I win?" Frank Barone

** John K



"They sucked his brains out!"


Technically, the Hartleys' apartment is not on Lake Shore Drive. It's on Sheridan Road, just south of Thorndale, about 6000 N. Lake Shore Drive ends at Hollywood, which is about 5700 or 5800 N., if memory serves.


Is the apartment building still there (If not, what was it replaced with? An office building, etc)? If it is still there, does it look the same as it does in the opening credits of the show?

And about how much does it cost to rent and/or buy an apartment there (No, I'm not looking to move there, I'm just curious :-))


In essence, he is traveling in circles.

Yes, but aren't we all?


After all of that running around in a big city it's no wonder he dreamed of moving to a rural area and opening up an inn.


"The people in Chicago realized that I got on the Ravenswood L and took it north," Newhart said. "I was up in the northern suburbs. But we lived at like 5500 Sheridan Rd. That's where the apartment was, which meant that everyday I went probably five or six miles beyond my stop. ... People were trusting their sanity with someone who daily missed his stop and walked back some 50 blocks."

From an interview in the Chicago Sun-Times, july 2004.

The area is very appropriate considering both Bob Newhart in real life, and the charactor Bob Hartley, graduated from Loyola University right in the neighborhood.

As for his commute...yeah... he could have hopped the Red line by either Loyola or Bryn Mar, or Granville - all within 2-3 blocks depending on the exact address. Then gotten off at Grand and State - 2 blocks from the back entrance to his office building at 430 N. Michigan. (sure, the 151 Sheridan bus would have gone door to door, but would also take up to an hour more each way)

Odd goofs for someone who knew the area well to allow. But then apparently Hartley liked to walk.


In the condensed versions of the intro, it appears that he walks all the way home from work (as the train scenes are cut out).


Maybe Dr. Hartley should listen to HEY BABY I HEAR THE BLUES A CALLIN' TOSSED SALADS AND SCRAMBLED EGGS! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"What contest in Hell did I win?" Frank Barone

** John K


The show takes place in Chicago so I just assumed that the building was in Chicago, between being near the water and seeing Bob walk near what looks like the "L", which they only have in Chicago I think.


NYC has elevated trains - just not called the "el". People are right - he would have most likely taken the bus to work instead.

The building is at 5901 N Sheridan.

A one bedroom, one bath unit goes for $198k right now on the 4th floor.


Right. In Washington DC it's called the Metro, it's called something elso in NY and Boston, but they're all elevated trains/ subways. By the way, in "12 Angry Men" (which Jack Klugman was in), they refer to it as an "el train", and I think it's supposed to take place in NY, although it's never referenced.



"A one bedroom, one bath unit goes for $198k right now on the 4th floor."

That's cheap compared to New York City:

"Buyers paid an average of $469,960 in the final quarter of 2003 for one-bedroom apartments in Manhattan below 96th Street on the East Side and below 112th Street on the West Side, according to the Douglas Elliman Manhattan Market Overview, one of the most comprehensive surveys of the real estate market in that area."

And that's just for starters. A one bedroom/one bath apartment in Trump Plaza will set you back 850 thousand!


I thought you guys would like this. While I was on youtube looking for clips from the Bob Newhart show I found this-enjoy:)


Thanks, LMac, that was great.


no problem...I am always looking for things like that on youtube. I hope someday I can get to Chicago and see it for myself:)

reply n+road,+chicago&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=5500+N+Sherida n+Rd,+Chicago,+IL+60640,+USA&gl=ca&ei=JimDTNTfH6XonQf4kIBO&amp ;sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gE wAA

I love Google Maps street view!


Wrong address.


Here is the end all be all on the address. It is 940 W. Thorndale Ave. It is right next to Thorndale Beach, IT IS NOT The Thorndale Beach Apartments on the next block. I grew up in the neighborhood and went to this beach all the time.

Here is a map link,+Chicago,+IL&hl=en&ll=41.990486,-87.65399&spn=0.00866,0.021136&sll=44.962398,-89.660774&sspn=0.131908,0.338173&oq=Sheridan+and+Thorndale&hnear=Sheridan+%26+Thorndale&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=41.990103,-87.655068&panoid=O20SrYf4cruAPDzloFifYw&cbp=12,180.09,,0,-22.5.

You will be facing south in this link looking at the building. Turn around and go north to find Loyola U.

Here's a bit of trivia for you Bob's sister is a nun. I had her as a teacher at Immaculata High School. The scary part is she looks just like him but with hair. She had a very deadpan sense of humor. Bob's influence or her chosen order?,+Chicago,+IL&hl=en&ll=41.954609,-87.64603&spn=0.008665,0.021136&sll=44.962855,-89.660797&sspn=0.131907,0.338173&oq=840+W.+Irving+Park+Rd,+Chicago&hnear=840+Irving+Park+Rd+%23303,+Chicago,+Illinois+60613&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=41.954609,-87.64603&panoid=hlGuSszkOwoc-T_BD5E0kA&cbp=12,0,,0,0


I seem to recall one of the episodes of one of Bob Newhart's shows where his sister on the show was a nun. It might even have been titled something like: "My Sister, the Sister". I wonder if that was a case of life imitating art?

P.S. I am a product of twelve (12) years of Catholic School (St. John the Evangelist Elementary School and Bishop Fenwick High School), so I can relate! :-)


There is an ep of MASH where Father Mulcahy refers to "His sister, the sister"

MASH and The Bob Newhart shows are two of my 70's favorites.


I see where one sold for $58,000 in 2012..........


This is a little off- topic, but the original opening sequence has a zoom in, zoom out shot across the canals showing "Braun ", which was the HQ of W. Braun, my Dad's employer for more than 30 years! I grew up in Arlington a Heights and we moved out to SoCal when my Dad was tapped to start up the west coast office. Gives me a little thrill every time I see it!


It's in Chicago. My former fiance's mom used to tell us, every week, that they used to live there. Tiresome old bag.
