Round 4: Potential to get out of danger.
Granpa Joe burps to avoid being disemboweled (9)
Grampa Potts enlists the help of other old timers to avoid execution (10)
Round 5: Leeching.
Joe cannot earn because he is bed bound (9)
Grampa Potts cannot earn because he is always off on an expedition (10)
Round 6: Potential future earnings.
Granpa Joe has only got his hands on the chocolate factory (sort of), KO, we have a winner!!!!
Summing the fight up.
Round 4.
Joe has endangered the lives of his grand son and himself by stealing Fizzy Lifting Drinks. He is heading towards certain doom when he (accidently) belches. This turns out to be a lucky thing as it saves them. Grampa Potts is kidnapped through mistaken identity and is given until dawn to make a flying car. He enlists the help of the other prisoners (scientists). This shows better initiative and I score it 10 - 9 in favour of Potts.
Round 5.
Joes leeching abilities are great and the old 'I can't get out of bed' has worked a treat for 20 years now. But, Grampa Potts 'I'm off on another expedition' is pure gold. We all know (including his son and Grand kids) that he is really going for a number 2, yet he gets away with it. I score the round 10 - 9 in favour of Potts.
Round 6.
Potts is building a fine lead at the moment, but here comes Joe. There is only Charlie left in the competition, surely this is all over. But wait, Wonka has rumbled them for stealing the drinks. Charlie gets nothing...NOTHING! Granpa Joe is calling him a crook and he has one last card to play..the Everlasting Gobstopper. Sell it to Slugworth. Oh no, Charlie has handed it back to Wonka. Grampa Potts sensing victory now wades in with his son has invented Toot Sweets.Dogs love them. So does Lord Scrumptious, Grampa Potts former commanding officer whom he used to be Batsman for in the army. Grampa Potts is gonna be wealthy and it looks like Joe is down and out!! Wait though, Wonka has given Charlie the factory. Joe is making a desperate last bid to win this " ..and me, me, what about me". Wonka says they can all come and live there. Joe just needs to kill off the others and manipulate his gullible grandson and he can buy and sell Lord Scrumptious. Grampa Potts is down and he's not getting up! It's all over folks, we have a winner!!!
Granpa Joe is the Champ! There is an uproar in the crowd. The Hooded Claw jumps up and shouts "Nyaaahh! I'll get you Granpa Joe", before fleeing the arena with the kidnapped Penelope Pitstop. The Ant Hill Mob (who earlier were arguing with the Oompah Loompahs) are in pursuit. It has been an eventful spectacle. One that this fight fan will remember for a long long time!!!
Can't breathe.
If you even dream about shooting me, you'd better wake up and apologize!!!