I first saw TMBG in the early or mid-70's,when in my 20s. It has been a life-long favourite,though I also have others,(including The Fisherking,w/Robin Williams, which does have similar points to make).
I bought a copy of the ink drawing,"Don Quixote In His Libary,by Gustav Dore,
partly because of my love of this film. (It hangs in my office,just to my right,
at present.)Another favourite,the piece of music,"The Impossible Dream," from the play about Quixote,obviously ties into it.
While the complexity of the film requires many points of view,I see it as just an example of mankind dealing with the tragedy of making even one's romantic love be the meaning of your life.Every deep attachment we make is temporary,and to have a relationship w/another human as the meaning in your life brings you to either madness or a deeper awareness/conciousness,your only two options. Epiphany,Revelation,awareness,or expanded conciousness can come,or an escape from the reality/Maya(illusion of the world), I see the Buddhist Maya as very close to what is true.Pain is all we get from developing too deep an attachment to the things of the world,even other people.
Joan Woodward's character,Watson,is interesting,as well.She has an academic detachment that has separated her from relationship,which has been protecting her from the vulnerability that makes her able to deal with helping those in pain.She ends up making a connection that makes her life more meaningful,but still,she follows Holmes into his confrontation with,(what I see as...),a symbol of that miserific epitome of evil that is within nature,...in this case,Moriarity.
I see this all the more clearly,since discovering that the Hebrew word which is translated into the English word,'naked,'in the Old Testament story of Adam & Eve,has three other related English translations,"crafty,subtle,cunning,(not in a good way)."The Hebrew word is used before & after the temptation & fall,& is the same Hebrew word describing the serpent,'subtle.'The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil made them aware that they were 'crafty,subtle,& cunning,(not in good way).'They already were,but could not see it.I believe that dealing with our own natural flaws is both a spiritual & psychological/
soul issue. (Oh.The German word,soule,from which the English word,soul,comes, is the German equivilant of psyche,the Greek word for mind.