A piece of African engineering
I saw this film recently and would like to comment on it. Many people look at it from the ideological point of view: it is made by blacks, it somehow conveys the message of white-police brutality, supports the ideological unity of the community and, I feel, ridicules the image of blacks as violent studs.
Therefore, carrying the "good" ideas, it is seen as good. I believe this approach is not valid since the movie is not any good, in my view. It is not that I do not like blacks, on the contrary, I do sympathize with all minorities and groups of people that have been mistreated in some way. However, this does not prevent me from criticizing this film.
First, there is not any real plot in the movie. The main character, whatever his name is, has sex for fun of other people, then he kills 2 policemen, then he has sex, then he kills another 2 policemen, then has sex... From the beginning he runs and does not know where, chased by the police and later dogs. In total, the whole thing is very boring.
I read somewhere that this film cost $500,000. I do not know what they spent it on. If you saw it, you know what amateur style it is like. I do not mind low professional level of these films, but what I expect from them is sincerity, and that is not what I get here. It is made with a quasy-artistic and would-be progressive style.
Somebody in the discussion mentioned that it is "hard pornography". I do not agree with the statement. There is probaly a problem with the definition of pornograpy. I do not like the word and when hearing it, I imagine something artificial and gaudy. The scenes concerned are not even realistic enough to be true. In fact I have not ever seen any realistic lovemaking on the screen. It is always a pose, a commentary, a judgement, a justification, an accusation. Never genuine. It is probably connected with the general attude of our society to sexuality, determined mostly by religious matters. Christianity, Islam - virtually any monoteistic faith is hostile to this basic phenomenon. This film, as an expression of our age and culture, is no exception. Pornographic... Whoever is pure to them all things are pure.
The only thing I really liked about this film is the opening scene when the young boy makes love to the woman. He is utterly cute and has truly a sweet back. But that is it.