It is child porn. Period.

I don't care if his "guardian" was on the set, or how many lame justifications are manufactured to excuse this disgusting filth. It is child pornography. Period. Full stop.

Any adult involved with that scene should have been brought up on felony charges. And any adult defending this filth should be hanging his or her head in shame; would you allow your child to engage in such activity, especially onscreen, for all the world to see, for all time?

Go ahead, flame away. I don't care, because I know I am right. I care only about the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of all children -- no defender of such revolting child porn can truthfully say the same.

Mr. Van Peebles has lost my respect, permanently.

edited for typo

Movie Spoilers:


According to the letter of the law it's not child porn, but I would agree with you that it was inappropriate for a father to use his son in a scene like that.


There is no penetration no, so its not a child porn scene. I do understand that it may be a disturbing scene, but no, its not child porn or porn what so ever.


Where was your outrage when Dakota Fanning had sex in Hounddog?


Is that the movie where she got raped in the woods? It made me want to vomit.

So shoot me if I didn't post about it on IMDB -- I turned that sick POS flick off as soon as I saw that scene. Good enough for you, or not?

Movie Spoilers:


I'm curuous as to why someone as obviously sensitive as you would be watching a film like Houndog?


bilsnod wrote: "Where was your outrage when Dakota Fanning had sex in Hounddog?"

She didn't have sex, it was simulated. Don't turn this into a black-white thing.


Mario seems to have survived that harrowing ordeal unscathed. I viewed it from the perspective of the culture and attitude of the time, not the hysterical neopuritanical "I know I'm right" mindset of today.



Unscathed is a bit of a stretch.

Said Mario, "On some level I was aware of being in a war, the war of my father making this film, and what it put everyone through. I saw the pain in my own situation, but it was eclipsed by all these other things that were happening, the things that were going on around me -- death threats, money problems.

"When he ordered me to do that scene, my father made a choice. I wouldn't have done that with my kids, but ultimately I came to grips with why he did what he did. With this movie, I got to symbolically and literally put myself in his place. And through all of this, a family discovered how it could exist and function together."

Noting the new film's $1million budget, Van Peebles exploded with a huge laugh. "That's some expensive psychotherapy there!"


seems he really did penetrate the woman.

domestic abuse at it's best


wow, you went way to far with this child porn thing. relax and enjoy thhis movie as it is.


It's not child porn because he didn't do anything, but it's gross and nasty.

The porn came from real sex with the adults. It's not a good movie at all. The editing was interesting and its raw quality should be appreciated within the parameters of the film. But there's no story. It's dumb. It's angry and stems from hate (which is fine) but it has nowhere to go. Blaxploitation is right. If I didn't know, I'd assume that all of these films were made by white people.

Also, Mario pretty much acknowledges it wasn't right. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love his Father and that doesn't mean that they can't move forward and have relationship that functions and is continuous. He made his point.


I read that the actress who did the scene with Mario didn't even want to do it, and that other folks tired to talk Van Peebles out of doing in the first place. To be fair, little Mario wasn't even in bed with the woman---she basically just acted out the scene--he was never actually in bed with her, but I still thought the scene was unnecessary and just plain stupid. I mean, what the hell kind of father would put their own child in such a scene in a movie? Seriously---these days, he would have the kids taken from him on child abuse charges. And,yeah the movie is historical and all, but it's still horrible, still looks like it was edited with a damn chainsaw or by somebody who was smoking a little too much of something during the editing process. I saw it early last year at an arthouse theatre---during Black History Month,lol. I'd seen it already years ago, so I knew how it was going to be---I just wanted to see other folks' reaction to it,period. I'd recommend BADASSSSS! which is Mario Van Peebles' story on how his dad got the film together---it's actually better than SWEET SWEETBACK, even though the former is crazy as hell and does have its (slight) charms---like when the cops jump on a guy they think is Sweetback, and it turns out to be this goofy-a** white guy wearing Sweetback's clothes. That was kind of funny. I'm going to get the soundtrack, since I really liked "Sweetback's Theme" the gently funky jazz instrumental that plays throughout half of the second part of the film.


He was laying on top of her. The movie in on YouTube.


So then I should be able to readily find your ire on the pages for every Polanski film on this website then, shouldn't I? Since he went beyond child pornography all the way to child rape and sodomy. And not on mere film. At Jack Nicholson's house. Amirite?

On the way back I can stop in at the Kids page and check out your work there as well as on several other pages I'm sure. I can't wait to see what you worked up for those.


oh behave


What if the OP hasn't seen those films? Or is familiar with Polanski? What's your point, really?

Jack "Things could be worse"
Hurley "...HOW?!"

