MovieChat Forums > Le souffle au coeur (1971) Discussion > question about confession scene *spoiler...

question about confession scene *spoilers kind of*

when Laurent is confessing to the priest, right before the priest puts his hands around Laurent's legs, he asks the boy if he'd "abused" himself again. when Laurent answers "yes," the priest asks if he did it alone, to which Laurent replies something along the lines of "no my brother helped me." i am totally confused by this part. at first i thought the priest was talking about masturbation, which would explain why the priest asked it after the question "any impure thoughts?" but after he said his brother helped him, i'm not sure if the priest meant masturbation anymore. the weirdness of this scene is extended because of another scene, in which Laurent is about to masturbate to a very adult book when his brother knocks on the door and asks if he needs any help, but i think he asks it sarcastically, but it's hard to tell because i don't speak french so the tone of voice is kind of lost on me b/c i'm trying to read the subtitles while watching it too. anyone have any answers for me?


I think the priest was just being a pervert. :/



He didn't say his brother "helped" him; he just said they did it together. I assume that means they masturbated at the same time, as many boys do.

I think his brother was just teasing him when he knocked on the door.

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Its amusing how this type of group masturbation behavior seems to occur more in european and latin american countries, if I may say so without being stereotypical. This does not seem to happen with American and UK adolescents however unless they are homosexual. At least it is this way in the movies, perhaps foreign films are more open to group masturbation. This movie and y tu mama tambien for example. I mean name me one American film with group masturbation in it, other than american pie. I dont even know if american pie has group masturbation in it, but it is a pretty stupid movie.


Hollywood has always been scared of subjects like masturbation, where European cinema has always been quite upfront about it. It's not like there's no such thing as group masturbation in America - they just don't talk about it. I find the European approach to sex far healthier.
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look at "Amarcord" - there were like FIVE of them!


I'm certain it's done a lot more than you think, but as another poster mentions, we just don't talk about it over here. It's too taboo, but I'm pretty sure it's much more widespread than we think. I find it sad that we should feel ashamed of these things, it's completely healthy and is a part of discovering our sexuality. I'm not saying everyone should go out there and do it... Just not make a big deal out of it and make youths feel ashamed at what they are doing.


If the only American film involving masturbation you can name Pulse72 is American Pie, I must kindly tell you that you fail.
Have you ever seen a Solondz film?
Even in an incredibly mainstream (with a capital M) film like American Beauty involved masturbation. In fact masturbation was quite a prominent motif.

I've made a huge mistake.


Pulse 72 said group masturbation.

"It is I! It is me! It is Carla Göteborg!"


Eyes Wide Shut?

I've made a huge mistake.


Eyes Wide Shut doesn't have any masturbation scenes. It has recurring flashes of an imagined sex scene between Bill's wife and the man she saw, and the scenes depicting ritualized group orgies.


