Terrible Audio

I have the Image "Mario Bava Collection" version of this and the audio is either way too low or way too high. Half the dialogue, really more than half in unintelligible. It really hinders enjoyment of the film. Is the audio better on the other versions? This is the English language version only.


I had both the previous versions, and thought the sound was fine on both. I don't have a fancy audio system - just what comes out of the television itself, so I don't know how either would sound on a more elaborate set-up. The dialog was not muffled or otherwise screwed up on either DVD.

It's really disappointing to hear about this newest release. I was definitely looking forward to hearing Tim Lucas's commentary.


I agree. I had to turn up the volume to hear the dialogues, but then had to turn it down when the percussion-oriented score blared.


choose the option on your TV that normalizes all audio
