The Families' superstitions about Neville
I know they are deranged, but why do they finally decide to attack Neville in his apartment at the end? Was it just b/c of his connection to Lisa and/or desperation about finding out about a cure which would bring about their end?
They never say why, but it totally goes against the logic stated in the beginning when one of the ghouls asks Mathias why they don't just fire bomb his apartment and he says "no, don't you see, the curse will start all over again. He will be destroyed by the things that brought about the end of the world," or something like that. (Still doesn't stop them from launching fire balls at his window though, LOL). So what gives? They are afraid of attacking him in his apartment, but not when he is out, b/c they believe they'll be cursed. at the end suddenly they have no problem doing it?
Also, if they hate civilization so much, why haven't they demolished the entire city by now? In 2 years time, you would expect more damage than just a library or museum every other night.
It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. - The Stranger