Background Errors

THE OMEGA MAN is one of my all-time favorite films, but I have always wished I wasn't so aware of some background errors.

1) You can see other cars in the background zipping along during the early scenes.

2) You can spot an occasional person on the sidewalk.

3) The traffic lights are still working.

4) In the scene where Neville is jogging past a building, you can view the crew members standing along the side, reflected in the dark pillars of the building.


Yes the wonders of home video and DVD...
You can now easily pick out all the mistakes...

Unfortunately or fortunately... which ever way you look at it, they didn't have digital movie equipment. So what ever was on film had to stay there. I've often wondered why they haven't digitally enhanced the film? But on the other hand, those "background errors" perhaps give the film more of a real appearance...? What I mean by that is, these days films are digitally enhanced within an inch of their lives and some movies seem more cartoon than film.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I never noticed these things until I read a rather recent article on the Internet pedantically listing and pointing them out. The real question is: does anything need to be done about it? Should they be digitized out of existence, or simply left be?


The film should be left alone. No need to enhance or change the film in any way!




One of the worst is when Heston is chopper-lifted - it shows him and the pilot in the chopper. But then when it cuts to closeups of the pair, it's painfully obvious that the chopper is stationary, on the ground, which is indicated by a stationary reflection of trees. It must have been even more egregious on the wide screen.
