Feiffer is brilliant. He also wrote "Carnal Knowledge", which is a great psychological study, especially the Jack Nicholson character.
Yeah, watch Little Murders and Carnal Knowledge (both from that grim movie year of 1971) back to back some time, and behold: that Feiffer guy was one nihilistic, messed up cat.
And very popular in New York and LA intelligentsia circles.
I recall that he had a weekly "cartoon column" (in the Los Angeles Times, for one place) using bizarre stick figures that didn't matter much...it was the observations they made on American life that were the caustic point.
I don't know if American studios will allow movies to be made that are as brutal(in dialogue) about sex and violence as those two Feiffer films were -- though there are plenty of nasty little indie movies being made, I suppose. But THESE movies got big stars to appear in them, and studio backing.
And this: all sorts of articles in this year (2022) are about how horrible and violent big cities like NYC and SF have become. But as you can see from the Feiffer films, everybody thought cities were that bad back in 1971, too. Most of us simply push forward and survive....