Best quote

"Racing is life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting." This was, of course, Michael Delaney's (McQueen's) famous line in this movie & happens to be real-life car owner/driver Roger Penske's fave quote as well. I like it, too.

One way to end up with a small fortune in the PC business is to start out with a large fortune.


that was also about half the dialogue in the entire movie. no words, just cars. great flick.


For me, the best quote was the team manager telling Michael to "drive flat-out". It set up the scene for the awesome 3-way battle for the lead near the end of the movie.


good advice.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


"I want Porsche to win Le Mans."


Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


Erich Stahler: Be careful, Michael.
Michael Delaney: Now don't be a pain in the a$$, Erich.

Chalmers: Frank, we must all compromise.
Bullitt: Bullshyt.


*Citroën prefers TOTAL*
