Foreign car license plate
How did they get away with a car which has a foreign license plate, without fines or whatsoever? Just curious. Maybe they bribed the DMV lol (guessing)
How did they get away with a car which has a foreign license plate, without fines or whatsoever? Just curious. Maybe they bribed the DMV lol (guessing)
I don't know 70's import laws, but if this were today, vehicles can be brought into the US temporarily under an import document called a carnet.
shareThanks for the insight. Based on current laws, what is the maximum amount of time the carnet is valid for, or can be used for?
It depends on how long the car is going to be in the country, but usually no more than a year. It's strange that anyone would bring in an automobile for personal use like that for a short stay. The customs agents should have realized the manufacturer's weight and import weight for duties fees didn't match up and impounded the car right then. So there could have been a bribe when it was off-loaded. This is supposedly a true story, but I don't if they really brought the heroin in that way.
shareWell, Hollywood = suspension of disbelief :)
Still it is miles ahead of the kind of cgi crap they churn out these days. And of course 1000 times better than what is created in my country (aka bollywood) lol
Depends on how much heroin is stashed in it.