Paying for long trips.....
Has anyone noticed that somehow Teyeve (and everyone else) are uberpoor, but somehow have money to pay for *very* long trips?
1) Hodel's trip to Siberia....he didnt even know where she was going till they were in the little 'bus stop' beside the track. she is going from Yugoslavia up to Siberia...on WHAT money??! even if the whole farm had been sold, i doubt it would have paid for a ticket there, if there was even a track going there. so how did she get there? only thing i can figure is that she would travel as far as she could, get off, and find a job that would give her food, board and a little money, work that till she had enough collected up to travel another step, etc.
2) the chasing of all the Jews out of town. How did everyone suddely have the money to be confident that they were going to America, Israel, Poland, etc?? and how did they get their wagons of household belongings across that river? i didnt see anything but people on that ferry. did Teyeve and the others just travel till they found bridges? but then, when they got to a port, how did they get their stuff on the ship?
...ok, im weird this way. i watch a movie, and worry about them! ^.^
"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"