Today v back in the day.
How do today's youths view this movie?
shareSeveral millenials I know like it, quite a few have even read the book.
shareI'm 20 and it's my second favorite film.
Read the book first, then the film.
But now I see it as more of a black comedy/satire, I'm sure back in '71 it was treated as a dark drama.
You're right. I first saw the movie about 15 years ago. I recently rewatched the movie and I couldn't believe how I never saw how a lot of stuff was obviously meant to be comedic (in a dark and twisted way). It's even mentioned on the BluRay that back in the day audiences didn't get that it was (also) meant as a dark comedy, but that modern audiences pick up on that a lot easier/ better. So I guess the movie was really ahead of its time.
Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.
people like it from what i hear
shareMy faucet is a millennial and she lives it. She was also into the book. As someone who is into languages she was fascinated by nadsat.
shareThe literate, correct, phrase, is “back in the old days,” which makes sense.
“Back in the day” is incoherent. Back in WHAT day?
Eschew ghetto linguistics.