Help !

This could be it ! I saw this on video in the early 1980s ... and I've wanted to see it again ever since. The only name I remembered from the movie - was "Lucinda" ... The story line of this movie do sound like the movie I saw.

There's a scene in the movie, where the young man Jodie Thompson (Michael Berry) has just been witnessing a murder at the farm ... and the girl's father (?) then grabs the young man by his arm and march him to the barn, where he handcuffs his right arm, leaving his left arm free. He then stands there helpless and the girl comes to see him a little later and asks : "Will you stay for dinner ?" The young man shows his handcuffed arm and says : "I don't seem to have much choice, do I ?"

I don't remember that much from the movie, but could those of you who are familiar with this movie acknowledge if this scene are in this movie ?

I'd be very grateful ! :-)

I've seen thousands of horror movies, and my favorite decade for them are the 1970s. They just don't make them like that anymore.


Yes, this is the movie. It's a very bad movie though so if you do watch it again you should watch the MST3K version. I'll send you a private message on where you can find that.


Yes, this is the movie. It's a very bad movie though so if you do watch it again you should watch the MST3K version. I'll send you a private message on where you can find that.


Sorry, VIsraWratS !!

I forgot to reply. Please ... what's the MST3K version ? And how can you send me a private message ? Forgive my ignorance ... :-)

But I'm very interested in hearing from you.



Thanks a lot, VIsraWratS !!

Private messages ... found it. And now I watched the movie. Great. Thanks a lot for your help. Now I got to buy it on video or DVD. I'll find it.

Greetings ! :-)
