Was Ebenezer a natural-born bachelor?
I've seen the versions of SCROOGE (A Christmas Carol) enough to have had this flash of recognition.
It is possible that Ebenezer Scrooge did his fiancé and himself a favor by allowing the woman to break off the engagement. It is possible that their marriage would have been unhappy. Ebenezer seemed have found contentment as a bachelor.
There are people in this world who, while having the natural interest in the opposite sex, aren't the marrying type and they either consciously or not acknowledge this so they opt to stay single. These people are being honest with themselves and to those people who are interested in marrying them.
It's easier for a man to remain a bachelor for while the pressure to marry is heavy, it's almost impossible to resist for a woman. Many societies around the world do not tolerate bachelorhood or spinsterhood. Every young man and young woman is compelled to marry, whether they want to or not. In some countries the concept of remaining single is not even acknowledged and considered unnatural. A young woman who wanted to remain single and independent was often suspected of evil intentions. A man who wanted to remain a bachelor was often gossiped behind his back as being either, 'queer' (traditional synonym for, highly odd), or something was biologically wrong with him. One way for a young man to resist social pressure to marry was to raise himself socially by occupation and wealth. For some men, being an adventurer was one way. For many men, a military career was the way to go, because a military life encouraged and nurtured bachelorhood.