
Did you like the ending?





the ending comes as a surprise, though in retrospect it's clear it will go wrong after the " adult cinema episode"


One of the great things about the film, and something I noticed only on a second or third viewing, is how Skolimowski leads up to the final scene by providing visual clues earlier on in the film - the swinging light and dangling cord in the first scene, and a later scene where Mike runs down a corridor and makes all the hanging lights swing. These clues seem to suggest that the ending is indeed inevitable or preordained, contained within the action virtually from the beginning.


^ I noticed those foreshadowing details, too. At the end, I figured they would both get electrocuted by the wire and kettle in the water, but surprisingly this didn't happen. The hanging light would probably cause this when the water level reached it, but we are left to form our own ideas about Mike's fate.




It was abrupt, not clear and extremely its preceding 89 minutes. It had to end in that way or in a similar way. Brown was in the teen sex pervert phase of his career so it was a given that he'd do something highly unpleasant. Did I like it? No. The girl didn't deserve it.


I can't say I liked it. It was a real downer and especially coming after the scene where they search for the diamond and it seems they're making a connection. I just knew it would end tragically though just because so many films of that era do. Someone always dies in the end. I wish could have ended with the characters reaching some sort of understanding without the tragedy.
