MovieChat Forums > Love Story (1970) Discussion > what's the POINT of it all?

what's the POINT of it all?

yeah, this movie has great acting, is romantic, and really made me cry, but there's no moral to it! They were uttlery in love, it was genuine, and they made their realtionship work through their problems, and then she just dies within the last ten minutes. Kinda pointless, don't you think?


I liked this movie, but really, the message I got was: 'No matter how hard you work, no matter how many people you dearly love however strongly, sometimes life will just screw you over." Of course, there are also statements on the rich vs. the poor, whites vs. ethnics in the father's disapproval. Of course, you can also say that the ending was that of a cheap tearjerker. But it stays with you a lot longer than the Hollywood tripe of today. Very moving.


The title is "Love Story". That's the point. It's a story about love, in particular the love between these two people.


Sometimes it's just the way life is. That's why it's such a good movie. The whole POINT is that it's so genuine and loving and going wonderful, and then suddenly drops off. That's what can happen in life. THAT'S the point.


I know this is such an old thread, but I agree with Jen175's response. Think of how many mundane "Love Stories" there are happening at this very moment, in your own apartment building or on the street on which you live. This movie to me simply just encapsulates one very moving, very hypothetical story that could have been lived out by any number of people I know personally or pass blindly on the street.

Sometimes life can be fleeting and romances are cut short, but that doesn't make them any less poignant when two people love each other as much as Oliver and Jenny seemed to.


"This movie has great acting" ??!! Um, O-Kayyyy. This movie is so poorly acted by the two leads that I was actively rooting for the death that would put us all out of our collective misery. Bad, bad acting.Die Jenny, DIE already!


okay, think about it. Olivers dad told him to wait to marry Jenny til after he finished school. Delay the marriage or he would be disowned. He chose her.
Had he done as his father wished, she could have died before they could ever get married.
The point is, you never know what tomorrow may bring. Live your life for you and not for what makes other people happy.

"Pain transforms the sensitive into cynics"


I agree with you ebo413. This is my interpretations in addition:

-Love is the most important thing in life (or something along those lines), and it should be cherished and lived...not put on hold, because the time we have is now; it gives life meaning

-"Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all"


It's a story about love...the love between a father and son, between husband and wife...and from a certain point the love of money (or the lack thereof). I mean Oliver can't get very far without it or confronting his father.
